Weeks, Months, and Seasons

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Luckily for German learners, because German months are based on Latin, the English and the German for the months are almost identical. The days in many cases are also similar because of a common Germanic heritage.

Tage der woche

Let's start with the days of the week(Tage der woche). The German week (and calendar) starts with Monday rather than Sunday.

Montag           Monday

Dienstag         Tuesday

Mittwoch        Wednesday

Donnerstag    Thursday

Freitag               Friday

Samstag           Saturday         

Sonntag           Sunday

In some parts of Germany Sonnabend is used instead of Samstag. However, it will be understood in all German-speaking world.

All the seven days of the week are masculine (der). 

Let's learn some usage of these Tage der woche in our sentences:

1. She goes dancing on Mondays.

Sie geht montags tanzen.

2. She will go to dance on Monday.

Sie wird am Montag tanzen gehen.

3. She goes dancing every Monday.

Sie geht jeden Montag tanzen.

4. It's a holiday this coming Tuesday.

Es ist ein Feiertag am kommenden Dienstag.

5. Last Saturday was the second Saturday.

Letzten Samstag war der zweite Samstag.

6. Today is Tuesday.

Heute ist Dienstag.

7. Tomorrow is Wednesday.

Morgen ist Mittwoch.

8. Yesterday was Monday.

Gestern war Montag.

Die Monate

The months are all masculine gender (der).

Januar (YAHN-oo-ahr)January

Februar                             February

März (MEHRZ)                 March

April                                    April

Mai (MYE)                           May

Juni (YOO-nee)               June

Juli (YOO-lee)                  July

August (ow-GOOST)     August

September                      September

Oktober                            October

November                       November

Dezember                        December

Die vier Jahreszeiten

There are following four seasons:

spring                der Frühling/das Frühjahr

summer           der Sommer

fall/autumn   der Herbst

winter              der Winter

 The months for each season above are, of course, for the northern hemisphere where Germany and the other German-speaking countries lie.

der Frühling     März, April, Mai

der Sommer     Juni, Juli, August

der Herbst         Sept., Okt., Nov.

der Winter         Dez., Jan., Feb.

Name of seasons are sometimes also used in their adjective form like sommerliche Temperaturen (summer-like temperature), frühlingshaftes Wetter (spring-like weather). Similarly, there are herbstlich and winterlich.

Let's have look at some examples:

Spring is my favorite season.

Der Frühling ist meine Lieblingsjahreszeit.

I have to buy winter clothes.

Ich muss Winterkleidung kaufen.

The summer months are very hot here.

Die Sommermonate sind hier sehr heiß.

It is spring but it's hot like summer today.

Es ist Frühling, aber heute ist es heiß wie im Sommer.

Try making some more sentences of your own. Keep practicing. Stay safe. 

Bis später. Tschüss.

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