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One thing easy about german is their plurals. They all take the article die irrespective of there gender. Instead at times, their article is the only way to distinguish between singular and plural. For example: das Fenster = die Fenster (window).

The German plural has 8 possible changes to the noun. Here they are in an overview (order: Singular-Plural):

1. Adds an "-er"

das Kind = die Kinder (child)

das Kleid die Kleider (dress)

2. Adds an "-er" and gets an Umlaut

das Land = die Länder (land) 

das Haus = die Häuser (house)

das Glas = die Gläser (glass)

3. Adds an "-s"

das Auto = die Autos (car)

die Kamera = die Kameras (camera)

4. No change

das Fenster = die Fenster (window)

der Koffer =die koffer (suitcase)

5. Gets an Umlaut

der Vater = die Väter (father)

der Apfel = die Äpfel (apple)

der Mantel = die Mäntel (overcoat)

6. Adds an "-(e)n"

die Lampe = die Lampen (lamp)

die Uhr = die Uhren (clock)

7. Adds an "-e"

der Tisch = die Tische (table)

das Brot = die Brote (bread)

8. Adds an "-e" and gets an Umlaut

der Sack = die Säcke (sack)

die Hand = die Hände (hand)

der Stuhl = die Stühle (chair)

Whenever the plural does not already end in "-s" "-n" or belongs to groups 4 or 5, it will get an additional "-n" if it is in the dative case.

There are also a few cases where the Noun is always plural or always singular. Nouns like die Eltern (parents) die Leute (people) are always plural. whereas Nouns like die Zeit (time), das Geld (gold) are always singular.

Let's have a look at some examples:

Die Kinder waren alle glücklich.

The children were all happy.

Alle Länder brauchen Touristen.

All Lands need tourists.

Ich habe alle Fenster gereinigt.

I cleaned all the windows.

Ich habe mit vielen Vätern gesprochen.

I talked to a lot of fathers.

In meiner Wohnung stehen fünf Tische.

There are five tables in my apartment.

The best way to learn the Plural form of any Noun is to learn them along with the Noun itself.

So, for now, keep practicing. Stay safe.

Bis später. Tschüss.

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