Pronouns in different case

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We have already done the basic form of Pronouns. Those were the pronouns in the Nominative case. We have seen how pronoun changes with gender, person, and number of the noun it is replacing. However, pronouns also changes with case.

Nominative pronouns are the simplest, most basic pronouns in German, the pronouns that are used as subjects of sentences (I, you, he, she, we, and so forth).

Du gehst jetzt.

You go now.

Sie kommen heute.

They are coming today.

Accusative pronouns are used when the pronoun is the object of the sentence.

Here are some examples for the same:

Das Getränk ist für dich.

The drink is for you.

Sie hasst uns.

She hates us.

Ihn (den Mann) hat der Hund gebissen.

The dog bit him (the man).

Dative Pronouns are used when the pronoun is the indirect object in a sentence (for example, if someone is doing something to someone else).

Ich folge ihnen.

I follow them.

Wir helfen euch.

We are helping you.

Genitive Pronoun is used when the pronoun is possessed by someone.

Das Tasche ist mein.

That bag is mine.

To tell possession we use possessive pronouns in German. There are two types of German possessive pronouns. We will cover possessive pronouns in later chapters.

For now keep practicing. Stay safe. Bis später. Tschüss.

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