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"Hank" Victoria was desperately trying and failing to get his attention but Henry was very much lost in his game. "Henry Cavill" she said in a louder more incessant tone. Blue iris's met her amber ones. The smirk on his face that made her weak. "Darling?" He said with mockery in his tone. She knew it well and chose to ignore it. "I'm ready" he stood and walked over to the empty recliner next to her only stopping to kiss her lips softly. "Are you ready for an arse kicking." He said mockingly, she rolled her eyes "Please, just because you play a video game character on TV does not mean you can kick my ass at any video game." she said with a smirk "I've been playing a lot longer than you love" he said a sly grin growing wider on his face. She laughed  "Oh five years longer at most Hank, plus you have a boy brain and that automatically makes me superior AND you know call of duty is MY game. Plus we are on the same team loser"  He looked at her chuckled and shook his head. "Sniper kills then?" he said eyebrow raised. "What ten count winner?" she said side way smirk. "Oh you over estimate me" He said with a chuckle. She laughed at the silly look on his face. "True.. Five snipes wins? But has to be a true snipe kill, what are we wagering?" she said a ghost of mischief on her face  "Shots?" she snort laughed and he smiled big  "Oh Hank, really now dear, you don't need to get me drunk to sleep with you, I promise I still like you for your body even though your video games skills leave something to be desired."  He chuckled as the smile grew on her face.

She was something else, definitely not someone he ever thought would be in his life. How they met was irrelevant now, the only thing that mattered was how much he felt for her. He would have never guessed that taking a role in her film would cause such a change in his life. Now three years later they were still the same. Freedom, friendship, passion and fun. Victoria was very accomplished writer, screen writer and producer. But most of all she was incredibly discreet. They had managed to stay in the shadows for three years now. They were more than friends, lovers really but there was a clear line in the sand that they would not cross, that much they agreed on. "Hank" the sound of his nickname on her lips gave him a thrilling feeling, something personal and very private sounded almost forbidden from her lips. Her voice brought him back to reality out of his daydream. "Sorry darling was miles away" she smiled softly. "You on? She asked. They were sitting side by side each on their own tv and game console. She was nothing like other women, as cliché as it sounded, Victoria even said it herself, she was more of a man than a women. Well at least her personality anyway. She loved comfy clothes, video games and sex. Which is what he enjoyed about her. "Did you see the email from Dan?" He asked, work was a natural and subject for them. "Yeah, but I really don't have the time to produce anything new right now no matter how enticing it looks. I have this project staring in a month and it going to take all my time." they were very open with each other, sharing emails, passwords, phone codes and personal history. Nothing was off limits to them, they knew each other well. "Why is that?" He said staring at the television as she was. "I am starting a new project next month and I am finalizing the last edits for my third book this next week so I am seriously swamped with work.  I mean blessings right? But I can't take more on right now." He nodded in response. "Are you going to take it? You should" she said not missing a beat and making a killer sniper shot that he could never make. "I'm not sure, it too close to the other project and I like to have time in between" "Eh, you know time is irrelevant in this industry, I am sure that they would give you time since you are super star 'Henry Cavill'" he put his controller down and looked at her. "You think too much of me, darling"  She paused her game and turned to him. "I think you underestimate yourself hun" she smiled face glowing his way.

She was non traditional beauty, natural, with her wild mess of dark curls that accompanied her dark tan skin. She had a natural roughness that attracted the geek celebrity, nothing like the women he had been seen with before. Others were beauty and bronze for sure but never the geek aspect he needed as well. Enter Victoria, she loved video games, reading, writing, music, adventure  and sex. Like most people he had been intimate with they met through work. She was a screenwriter/ producer on an action movie he was working on. She had submitted an edited script after production had started, an idea to make his macho brute character into something more, something unexpected. She knew people who helped the script find its way to the director and producer who loved the idea. She was brought in and shake things up. Henry had loved the idea as soon as it was pitched. His female costar did not, she wanted the limelight so she didn't like it. Victoria was able to come up with a new script to appease her and make him look more than just  brute strength as well. They had been friends since.  "come here you" he whispered to her. A small smile played on her lips as climbed onto his lap straddling him and wrapping her arms around his neck. She was wearing his shirt and underwear only, that was her usual look when she was with him. "You are the only one that sees me that way." He mumbled. "That's because I know what people think of you, in this industry you are an  A list celebrity and that my friend is a reason to dictate the terms of your life." she knew how much he loved his public life but hated the drawbacks as well. In an attempt to sway the conversation he kissed her in the spot that he knew would make her weak in his arms. "You are too kind, darling" he whispered into her neck "Hank"  she moaned. He loved the way she sounded when aroused, so feminine, so sexy. "Yes love" he said softly as he continued to trail her neck and shoulder. "You're trying to distract me" he smiled as he looked into her eyes deep and meaningful.

He was at the precipice again, somewhere he always found himself when they were together. "Are you amendable to coercion darling ?" She smiled "You know I am" he kissed her softly  "As am I " he picked her up as she straddled him arms still wrapped around his neck. Walking with her in his arms to the bedroom and set her down carefully on the bed. "You are so beautiful" he said gazing at her memorized. she had gotten used to his compliments, but this was new. She said nothing, instead she watched as he lifted his shirt over his head and slipped into the bed next to her. She rolled to face him placing her hands on his face to kiss his lips. It was soft at first, like a feather touch but soon her fingers were lost in the soft curls on his head. He rolled her on top of him without breaking their lips. He would happily lose himself in her as long as she let him. Everything about her drove him wild, right to the edge of uncertainty and ecstasy. He watched her carefully every move, every sigh. Her eyes closed as he explored her body. "Hank" it was a ghost of a whisper he smile softly kissing her neck once more. "Yes love?" She opened her eyes bore them into his "don't stop" he smirked and nodded. "Yes mam" accent gone the Clark Kent voice made her giggle. He took his time with her making sure to memorize every moment. He wanted to hold her, never let her go, as if she would disappear right before him.

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