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"ugh why is your bed so comfortable, how much did you spend on it?" She was always a complainer and it was worse when It was almost time for them to part. "A ridiculous amount of money, sleep is important to me no amount is too much" she rolled her eyes. "You are so posh" They had woken up in a mess of skin and sheets and delicious pain. After a morning quickie they were now wrapped up in each other skin to skin. "What time if your flight?" he asked looking over at the clock on the wall. "Ten" She said as a yawn broke through her mouth. She rolled over to get out of bed but was stopped by strong arms around her body. "Stay" he pulled her closer his naked bod flush against her. "you make it incredibly hard to leave Hank" he smiled into her hair taking in her scent, roses like the body wash she was obsessed with. "I have to go, Henry or I will miss my flight." "Stay" he repeated. "You know I have to go, I have to go to my meeting so I can do the job that they are paying me all that money for" he held her tighter and she made no protest to move either. "I have plenty of money for both of us" he whispered into her hair "Oh baby, I have expense taste and lets be honest I am not now or ever will be a kept woman. I lack the skills for domestic life" He smiled "I'll hire a maid and a cook" she laughed "You will need just hire a wife to take care of both of us darling because I am not wife material at all" She took in a quick breath of air as she realized that her comment was a bit more than just funny. Henry tensed next to her. This subject was raw for both of them and she crossed a line. "Sorry" she said as she then tried to maneuver herself out of his embrace. "Victoria" he said knowing that she regretted that choice of words she had used. He let her go as she moved out of the bed and into the bathroom. He followed her as she step into the to the shower. "Vic" she looked at him and quickly wiped the tears that were falling from her face and tried to shield her feelings with a mask. "I'm fine Henry, please just give me a few to myself ok?" He nodded and reluctantly left her to shower alone.

 They had been more than friends for a little over two years, because of their insane work scheduled's they had just agreed to not talk about their situation. Henry was happy with their private bubble of sex and friendship so she didn't question it. She was always so vexed by labels and status that she just refused to conform. But somehow sometime during her time playing house with the man of steel they fell in love. But commitment and stagnation gave her anxiety and panic, but her love for Henry gave her happiness. So she stayed and said nothing. Henry of course knew he had fallen for her long before she had for him, but knew that even a mention of commitment would break the illusion they were in. But things had changed. Something was off, it had been for a while. about six months ago when they had gone to a premier and each left with other people. Victoria started it, in an almost defiance to prove to herself that her infatuation with Henry was just that. she had met the extremely sexy Alexander Skarsgarrd and it was an opportunity she could not miss out on. It had started at the premier, got hotter at the after party and ended up with her taking him back to her hotel room. It was great but the whole time she could only think about the shocked look on Henry's face when she walked out with Alexander. She left Alexander in her hotel room in the middle of the night to make a red eye to new York for a meeting with her publisher the next morning. When she stepped off the elevator at the hotel lobby, she was greeted by Henry and a very blonde very tipsy girl hanging off of him while he groped her. He smirked at her as they stepped in the elevator and she stepped out. She almost hit the elevator doors as she was to busy staring at the couple.

Something inside her hurt and since then things had gotten awkward. Henry soon reached out and tried to see her but Victoria was hesitant to let him in. She wanted to convince herself that it was just pettiness but she knew deep down it was jealousy. Eventually she reached out to him , but this time he was consuming her, and everything that was not said was hanging over them. Victoria stood in the shower letting the water clear her tears and cover the sound of her sobs. Henry listened to her on the other side of the door eyes closed wanting to reach in and hold her, heal her, but everything in his past all his pain and scars stopped him. He had saved her over and over again through their time together but Vic had set the rules this time and she wanted them followed to a T to avoid another incident like before. But more than anything to protect herself from the pain of jealousy once more. So there he stood honoring her every wish following every rule. The risk of losing Victoria was too high and if he did it would be pain that he didn't want to experience. So he listened and waited heart aching in his chest.

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