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She was walking through his house gathering her things, cab waiting for her. She was a good actress amazing at covering her pain. "By Kal, don't miss me too much" she said to his American Akita who licked her in hopes of making her sit next to him for a cuddle. She was back to herself, even though he knew she was holding on masking her pain again. She stopped in front of him and placed her hand on his bare chest. "By Hank, take care of yourself ok? No scary stunts ok?" He laughed "I promise" he responded this was their ritual goodbye.she looked up at him eyes soft and full. She always made him promise no scary stunts because the thought of him hurt gave her anxiety. He wrapped his arms around her and she leaned into him. Something inside her cracked every time she left him. He rested his chin on the top of her head. Her small stature made him tower over her but somehow she fit perfectly in his arms. "I gotta go" she said letting him go. "ok" he said as she opened the door. "Vic text when you get there ok?" she nodded taking one last look at him wanting to kiss him one last time but she knew it wouldn't end with one kiss and then she would miss her flight. She smiled and put her sunglasses back on.

He watched her walk down the stone path duffle bag in hand. She always traveled light when she was with him. "I'm not planning on being clothed very much when I'm with you, plus your t shirts are perfect for me." She said once when he asked. They never went out in public together either so she didn't see the need for clothes. She looked back at him once more waving to him and giving him a smile as she walked out of the gate and onto the pavement. She got in the car and gave the driver her destination. Being in London was one of her favorite places she was here for work but she had to take a quick trip to new york then back to be on set for her new production project. When she was with Henry, there were not public outings anyway so she never packed too much. She didn't mind the privacy too much anyway that was the unsaid agreement. There was no agreement and never a conversation of where they were in this situation. She never asked and neither did he, they just enjoyed it. Victoria didn't want to ask because she was too afraid of what the answer would be. Henry said nothing because he liked where they were now. He was not ready for commitment, so this was better, easier or at least that's what she told herself.

As she arrived at the airport and waited for security she text her sisters to let them know her arrival time. Their group chat was always catty and filled with sisterly drama. 'are you done playing house with HC?' She rolled her eyes like her sister could see it. Anabeth was the oldest and she was the most brutally honest. She did not approve of her Henry situation, especially since she was the one that Victoria confided in when she broke down about said situation. 'leave her alone, your just bitter that you aren't living it up like Vicki' Monica was always defending her, but being the youngest she really knew nothing about what was really going on. 'For now, I have to run to New York then I will be back in London' The sisters went on teasing each other until she was past security and waiting for her flight at her gate. Her phone rang and she smiled. "Hello baby, miss me already" "Well I am missing something for sure, you took my Chief jumper" she held in a laugh. It was his favorite and was penetrated with his smell. "I would never" she fought back. "I guess you will miss me a little less with that, and I will only forgive you for the theft if you send pictures of you in it." The tone had changed and it hit her exactly where he wanted it too. "I guess you will want pictures of your Chiefs T Shirt too?" He sighed and laughed "Yes that one too princess" there was a uncomfortable silence for a moment. "well they are boarding my flight, I'll talk to you later hank." "safe flight darling". She smiled and ended the call.

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