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They were sitting on opposite ends of the bed. Henry had his back to the headboard and Victoria was facing him ,her back to the foot board, she was working furiously typing on her laptop. It was almost comical to watch, he had been reading a book but his concentration was on her. Kal was siting between them with her head on her lap. She would reach to pet him every few moments.  It had been two years since he asked her to marry him. Two years of travel, work and time apart, but they were stronger now than ever before. Even with all the travel and time apart their relationship was healthy.  She closed her laptop and smiled at him. A real smile that reached her eyes. He smiled back as she moved to cuddle with him. He put his arm around her as she nestled herself in the crook he made for her. She closed her eyes, he could feel her heart beating faster, she was anxious. "Victoria" he said in a warning tone. She sat back up and climbed into his lap. He wrapped his arms around her as she placed a kiss on his neck. She rested her head on his shoulder and smiled. "I'm ready"  he moved her away to face her. "Are you really?" he said not wanting to question her. "Yes, I was ready a long time ago but it seemed we never had a break so now we have six months I think that's enough time to get married and have a honeymoon" he smiled and kissed her softly. "Are you sure you can plan a wedding in that amount of time." Victoria smiled "I have actually planned most of it, other than the date and location its pretty much planned, and of course anything that you want to add." He nodded "Very well so let choose a date" she moved into his lap to face him wrapping her arms around him. He held her and kissed her again. "In a month" he smirked that bright smirk. "You don't have anything going on then and neither do I. I know its super short notice and friends and family are going to have to scramble but I think it's perfect. He smiled "Alright, do we have a location then?" he asked kissing her neck softly as he motioned for Kal to get off the bed. "Yes, a beach on Greece then a honeymoon in Egypt."  he laid her down kissing her further "Hank" she whined "Sorry darling but I think the honey moon is going to begin now" she laughed "Your such a teenage boy" she said. "I am when it comes to you" there was not more mention of the wedding that night.

A month passed quickly. Soon Vic was standing looking at herself in a full length mirror. "You look beautiful" a male voice came from behind her. "Mads!" she said jumping into his arms. "You made it!" he smiled "I would not miss this" he said smiling at her. "Plus your future husband made a request of me and I could not refuse" she looked at him confused "What did Henry ask you to do?" with time Henry had come to realize that her relationship with Mads was her safety, she had not had much safe male places to run after her father died and Mads was this for her, something that he would never take from her. "He asked me to walk you down the aisle to him" her eyes shone with tears. "Oh Mads" she said softly hugging him again. "It would be my honor to escort you" he said softly. She pulled away and looked at him, "thank you" her smile grew as she heard the music change "That's my cue" she said. He put his arm out for her to take and walked her to the path of white sand surrounded by the people they loved. He leaned in to her and whispered "I knew you were bohemian at heart" he said making her laugh. She had opted for bare feet instead of shoes so she could feel the sand beneath her feet. Henry agreed to the same and looked incredible standing waiting for her. The walk up the aisle seemed eternal and when they reached the front Mads kissed her cheek softly "Be happy Victoria, you are worthy of happiness, do not forget that" a tear fell and he wiped it from her cheek. He handed her hand to a waiting Henry who nodded and thanked him.

The ceremony passed with Victoria staring at Henry and both of them constantly forgetting their lines. Finally it was time to kiss the bride to which Henry responded with "Finally!" kissing her passionately as the crown erupted with applause and cheers. The reception was full of happiness and dancing, Vic who had opted for comfort rather than style wore a very bohemian and non conventional lace wedding dress which allowed her to dance and enjoy her night with her husband and family. Eventually they made a quick escape to walk the beach alone with Kal. Before the sunset Victoria stood feet in the water an ever faithful Kal sitting next to her facing the sunset. Henry took the opportunity to take a picture and post it to Instagram with a caption: My entire world.. I am a very lucky man #mrandmrscavill. This was a new beginning for them and he was looking forward to this journey.

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