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They arrived in Vegas full of energy and ready for a good time. She had text Henry a few times to let him know where she would be, he made her promise to be good and call him every day, a very boyfriend like request, but she would comply. "Where are we staying?" Alex asked Vic smiled "At the Plazzo" Ana rolled her eyes at her extravagant sister. "Of course, you are so extra Vic, te pasas Victoria" she said in her native tongue Vic rolled her eyes, "Well  it has a piano and I feel like playing. "If you wanted to play you should have just come home." Ana responded "I know but I really wanted to be somewhere else, it's been kind of a weird time" They exited the car and walked into the extravagant hotel. After checking in and being led to their room the girls were in awe of the beauty of the room. Vic made a beeline for the piano. It had been a while since she played and she missed it. She would play every so often The suite was amazing and exactly what she needed. She wanted decadence and style. "Hey lets go" Alex yelled. She had planed to go straight to the pool and hang, which would be followed by an evening of dancing. It was a quick turn around they would be leaving tomorrow afternoon work was waiting for all of them and they could only spend the evening and night together so they were going to make the best of it. The decided to pick outfits that they could transition from place to place thus eliminating the need to come back to the room to change. After a quick change they headed down to the pool. They found a place to lay and chat. "So Vic, hows Henry?" Ana was not wasting time, she knew exactly why they were here and she didn't want to waste time with pleasantries. "He's fine" Ana raised and eyebrow "Really Vic, we all know why we are here, you have something you need to talk about so say it, lets not waste time so we can enjoy the rest of our night here." Victoria rolled her eyes at her. "Ok fine, it's been really weird lately." "Weird how?" Alex asked as she passed her the sunblock "Just weird, ever since that thing at the premier its all been off" Ana rolled her eyes "Yeah that's because you slept with Alexander what's his face" "Shhh!" Vic said sitting up and giving her sister a glare "Oh please I didn't say his name. Henry got jealous, plain and simple, he wants to have his cake and eat it too" Ana said laying back down in the chair. "Maybe, but now there is this weird like tension every time there is silence. He knows how I feel, I know he knows but neither of us says anything" Vic laid back and sighed. "Vic have you thought about just moving on?" Alex said Vic shot her a glare "No, wait here me out, you aren't happy in this relationship, I mean it's no even a real relationship." Vic closed here eyes feeling the sun on her skin. "I know but I am happy when I am with him" Alex smiled "Yeah it doesn't sound like you really are." "Vic, look you need to be realistic about this relationship, you have been doing this two years almost three and lets be honest it's not a very fair relationship. You know why he's hesitant, you aren't being very fair to yourself or to him. You don't want kids and he wants a family, You come with a lot of baggage, your personality disorder is hard to manage, and he is cautious about that." Vic sat up and faced Ana "So you are saying that I am too much to handle?" she was getting resentful of her sister "No I am saying that he has a choice and its a hard one, he is in an age where he wants to start a family, where those around him are having kids and getting married, can you give him that?" Vic sighed "no" Ana put her hands up to her "Well there you are, this isn't just him, it's you too. He has a choice to walk away. But he loves you and it's hard for him knowing that there is a possibility out there." Vic stood and started to take her swimsuit cover and sandals off "I'm getting in the pool, you guys joining?" she asked letting her hair down and jumping in. Alex and Ana looked at each other, that was the end of the conversation. Their sister would learn the hard way as she always did, but they would be there to pick her up and help her carry on.

After a night of fun and dancing the sisters returned to their suite.  She loved to play, it was therapeutic to her and after a night of talking about Henry and the past six months she needed to vent. She sat at the link and started to play, at first it was just a tune that soon turned into a melody. Growing up all the girls had piano lessons, but Victoria was the only one that excelled at it. She was wearing a high split lace skirt covering her bright pink bikini. The skit allowed her to sit comfortably at the piano and play. The melody was familiar and full of sorrow. Alex sat next to her and sang with her as she always did. Ana watched, the sister had been blessed with talent and beauty something that made them successful. But as Vic started to sing her voice was full of sorrow. The acoustic version of 'stitches' was painful and an exact representation of what Vic was feeling right now. Ana grabbed Victoria's phone and started to live stream on Instagram. Every now and again Vic would live stream a song and this was a perfect setting. Ana stood next to the piano and was able to capture her sister from the side. Her voice was filled with sorrow and pain. She had been struggling with her feeling for He ry for so long and she needed to let it out.soon she had many people watching but one in particular. Ana saw the moment that Henry started to watch. Half way through the song Vic started to struggle, he voice cracked and so Alex picked up where she was. As the song progressed the tears were streaming and soon the pin in her chest was overwhelming. She couldn't breathe but she kept playing regardless with Alex singing her sorrowful song. Ana's heart hurt for her sister but she kept streaming, she knew he was watching and he needed to see the toll he was taking on her. As that song ended she merged into another. Taylor swifts haunted melody started to form. Vic began to sing again with Alex still following her. Vic moves to the music with so much emotion, but soon the emotion took over again. She knew that like the song she would one day be haunted by Henry and even is she did manage to move on from him she his memory would always hunt her. The thought of losing him was overwhelming her her anxiety was taking over l. Her mind always went to the loss of her beloved and it consumed her. She knew that one day he would walk away and it would kill her. She played harder and her voice cracked, she couldn't breathe. The pain was overwhelming and the tears clouded her eyes. "Vic" Ana said in caution Victoria turned to her sister tears streaming down her face sobbing attempting to breathe. She sang facing her sister and the camera, her hauntingly sweet voice full of sadness.

"Come on come one don't leave me like this. I thought I had you figured out... something has gone terribly wrong, won't finish what you started...come come on don't leave me like this I thought I had you figured out, vacant breathe whenever your gone, can't go back I'm haunted"

her voice cracked and she closed her eyes. "Vic" Ana repeated but her sister continued on. It was so quick, just like any other BPD episode the mania was closing in on her.

"you and I walk a fragile line, I have know it all this time never ever thought I'd see it break, never thought I'd see it!"

The music stopped but Victoria was still trying to catch her breath, the anxiety was taking over. the sense of losing Henry was overwhelming. Ana did not stop streaming, it was wrong but she knew that Henry was still watching. "Vic" Alex said putting her arm around her sister who leaned into her and sobbed. "I'm going to lose him" she said between sobs. "I know" Ana said with sadness "he's going to leave me" she said "I know" Ana repeated. She waited a few seconds before ending the video and walking to her sisters. "What am I going to do? I want to walk away, everything in my brain tells me to leave, but I just can't" Ana wiped the tears from her sisters face and took her face in her hands forcing her to look at her. "You do what you have to do, you have to go through this Vic, you have to feel this pain and you have to remember that no matter what you have us," she smiled at her sister "I know that eventually I will have to move and the thought kills me, but for now I just want to live this" Ana nodded "regardless of what you choose, there is only one thing you need to remember, you my love are a force of nature. It's who you are and who you have always been and you should not ever be tamed. No one will ever stop the wild in you." Vic smiled. Ana pulled up her sleeve and grabbed Vic's wrist and flipped her arm to expose her wrist, Alex did the same. We are the same wild moon children we have always been, stay wild moon child." The sisters embraced, their bond grew in moments of darkness. Ana would always be there to drag her back from the edge. The phone that was placed on the piano vibrated and Vic reached for it. It was Henry but somehow she couldn't bring herself to answer. She silenced the call and turned the phone off completely she couldn't hear his voice tonight. She knew that she could not be able to leave him anytime soon but eventually down the road they would have to go their separate ways but for now she would live in the moment. She couldn't make a decision now she just wanted to keep playing, they continued their singing session after Ana brought wine and champagne, eventually they managed to pull her back from anxiety and tension. They played music through the expensive sound system and spent the rest of the night dancing in their suite. Moving from songs of sorrow to songs to dance. Vic turned her phone back on and started to stream again. #nothinganightwithsisterscantfix was the only caption. Their Latin blood gave the girls some killer moves and the alcohol in their system lowered their inhibitions. The sisters showed the world their moves to Daddy Yankee's remix of Dura, being bilingual the girls sang along.

The ding of his phone woke him, he had fallen asleep watching the live stream of Vic playing piano regretting everything that he had ever said or done to bring her to that moment. He looked at his phone to see her message. 'I'm fine Hank'. He smiled she must have known he was watching. He checked instagram and saw that  she was back on live. He clicked on the video and saw her she was passing her phone around to each sister and they were each showing different views of them dancing. The selfie stick gave the viewer a great view of what each sister was wearing. As always Vic was his center of attention. She was drunk he knew that for sure, but her body moved to the reggeton music and it made him jealous. He could see the comments from strangers and the amount of men watching infuriated him. He closed the app and laid back down. he knew he shouldn't be angry she did not belong to him but he was not comfortable with others drooling over her. He wasn't sure how she would be when she got back to London but he hoped he could repair what she was going through. Or at least try.

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