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"Hank?" she said. She had been sitting pensively for over an hour on the couch and Henry had been watching her as he played his game. "Yes darling" he responded. She was lost in thought he could almost see the wheels turning in her head. They had been married for a year, and it had been a fun and crazy year. Henry smirked  darling" he said Victoria climbed into his waiting lap letting him wrap his arms around her and kiss her on the cheek. This was the place she felt the Safest and it was her custom to sit in his lap when she needed to have an important conversation.  "I..." she was working on getting the words out and he was giving her time, whatever it was, it was big and he needed to let her work up to it.  She looked at him slight pout on her lip "I want to have a baby.. no wait .. I want to be a mother? Ugh no" Henry smiled and waited patiently. "If we were to get a surrogate and a donor egg would you be ok if we fertilized the donor egg with your sperm?" He smiled at her. "Of course I would be ok with that darling. Victoria? tell me what you are fully thinking... no judgement you know that." She beamed at him "I want to have a child.. maybe more than one.. but I don't want to pass on these genes... I know there isn't enough research about it but some studies indicate that BPD is partly genetic and partly the environment your grow up in. If I can avoid passing this on to a child and avoid triggering myself with hormones and still give a child a good life I would really like to do it. I ...  I want to see your sweet chin dimple on a sweet little baby" He smiled at her thought's "Victoria, I will go in a cup as many times as you want me to or as needed if you want to have babies that way then that is what we will do." she sighed "I love you" "I love you too darling"

"Darling, please do not hit your sister that is not kind". Henry was met with stubborn amber eyes, the same eyes as his wife but in four year old boy. Defiance in the eyes of his son testing his fathers limits. "Elijah do not hit your sister again". Henry barely finished the sentence when Adeline was wailing. He stood to pick up his two year old daughter. "Elijah really?" Victoria walked into the room as gave her son a mom look. Victoria had mastered the mom look early on when Elijah was in the terrible two's Henry and Victoria had now expanded their family by four children, two fish, a bunny and another dog. Kal walked in to his place next to Elijah whom the dog had taken in as his own the moment that Victoria and Henry had brought him home from the hospital. When the twins were born Kal had temporarily taken residence in their room too but still always came back to Elijah. Now with the addition of their youngest (and final) child Kal was used to the loudness of his once silent home.

The children were the perfect mix of Victoria and Henry thanks to the kindness of Victoria's sisters. Ana and Alex immediately volunteer as egg donors and surrogates when Victoria told them they wanted to be parents. So five years later and four children later their family had grown. Henry was the sweetest father Victoria fell in love more and more watching him with their children. Victoria handed Silas to Henry who took the small infant in his arms as Victoria took their rebellious four year old in her arms. "Do you need some mommy attention lovie?" The small boy reaches up for his mother who picked him and sat on the lounge chair with him. "Eli you know you shouldn't hit your sister, tell me what your feeling darling" The boy made a sad face and she hugged him close. Being the oldest was a hard job for the sweet boy, he had gone from only child to oldest in a matter of months and it was hard. Now with the twins being more mobile he had a hard time holding on to what was his. Victoria grabbed them stuffed animal that Addy had taken from him. Henry smiled "He was just defending what was his, I understand that feeling" Vic chuckled "how about you and I got out for a treat and daddy stays home with your siblings?" "Yes please mummy" his face changed into an exact replica of his father chin dimple and all. Henry protested "Um darling me and three babies I don't know..." she smiled grabbing her wallet and keys. "Oh you got this Superman, if you can handle monsters and aliens you can handle your three children" Henry looked at her and smiled. "I love you, Vic" She smiled at her husband holding their youngest "I love you too Hank" she exited the house with their oldest and buckled him in. As she pulled out of the driveway she looked in the rear view mirror and laughed seeing an already sleeping boy. "Of course" She said pulling back into the house after driving around the corner. She walked back into the house carrying the sleeping boy. "Tuckered out huh, that's got to be a record of some sort" Henry said walking into the kitchen and taking the sleeping child from his wife. "Yes well he was cranky we should have seen the sign."

After laying him down Henry walked back to the kitchen to see his wife waiting and smiling. "What is going on?" He said cautiously at the smile on her face. "Ok don't panic" she said. "Alright well now I'm panicked" she walked up to him and handed him a small box's "open it" she said quietly. Inside there was a positive pregnancy test. He was shocked, he looked at her eyes wide "you're pregnant?" He whispered. "Yes, but I talked to the doctor and the medication I'm on is safe for the baby so I can continue on them, and they can control my hormones and my post partum  depression. So... yes I'm pregnant" she said a huge smile on her face. "We're having a baby" he said picking her up and swinging her around. "Oh my love, I'm so happy for you... for us!" He held her close and kissed the top of her head. "Yeah, this is big huh? Damn Ana and Alex are going to be pissed I used them and now I'm having my own" she said joking "no they won't, they are going to be thrilled." He said putting her on the counter and kissing her passionately. "Remind me how we made this baby?" He said she laughed into his neck. "I can show you" She said raising an eyebrow. Henry Laughed picking her up carefully heading to their bedroom. "We're going to need a bigger house!" He said as she laughed and he closed the door. "No shit Sherlock!" She laughed. He was happy seeing her happy, their journey here was rough but seeing his wife pregnant and happy brought him a joy he could not describe. He felt fulfilled in his life with Victoria and their children. Their home was loud, full of love and exactly what he envisioned.

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