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Vic woke up to the screech of her phone alarm that she had snoozed multiple times. "Shit!" she said throwing the covers jumping from the bed. She looked at the time it was 830 and she was supposed to be in the studio halfway across town in thirty min. "Fuck! Damn this eternal morning laziness" Vic had never been a morning person but she had over time forced herself to get up early and exercise and allow herself enough time in the morning for herself. But last night with the whirlwind of Tom she had set a later alarm to get enough sleep. She ran into the bathroom starting the shower trying to multitask by brushing her teeth in the shower. She quickly showered and changed. Her signature skinny jeans, geek t shirt blazer and slip on vans. She ran through her flat grabbing the things she would need and throwing them in her laptop bag. She was running out the door when she realized she still had her hair wrapped in a towel. She rolled her eyes and threw the towel onto the floor and closed the door. She ran to the elevator and pushed the button to the main floor. In the elevator she quickly brushed her long hair and put it in a high tight bun. As the elevator dinged she grabbed her bag shoving the brush in and pulling her glasses out. She waved goodbye to the sweet older doorman and ran out the door towards the closest entrance to the tube. She almost missed the tall man leaning against his car until he called out her name "Victoria" he said as she turned "Tom! Hi" she said a huge smile on her face. "What are you doing here?" she asked as he walked to her kissing her cheeks softly. "well I thought you would need a ride this morning since a very annoying Englishman kept you out late last night." her cheeks hurt from smiling but she didn't stop. "your definitely not annoying" she chuckled opening the door for her. She got in and he handed her a cup that instantly felt warm in her cold hands. "Thanks" she said he nodded closing her door and walking to the divers side. "Good morning darling" he said as he sat next to her "Morning" she said her mood much improved. They drove to set arriving with minuets to spare only to realize that everyone was running behind anyway. As they entered the building she saw James coming towards her and raise an eyebrow at her. "Morning!" she said to him "Tom this is my assistant James" she introduced "James this is Tom" they shook hands "Nice to meet you Mr Hiddleston, huge fan" Tom smiled "Thank you" "Darling, I will meet you in there." she smiled "Ok" he leaned down and kissed her cheek again "You look beautiful" he whispered to her. "Thanks" she said the blush creeping up to her cheeks. He smiled and walked down the hall. Once he was out of ear shot James turned to her "Oh my what is going on? I mean look at that smile you got! What is going on! DISH!" her face was going to be in permanent pain for the rest of the day from smiling. "We are dating?" she said, she wasn't sure but that was the best way to describe it. "What? wait... What about H-" she put her hand on his mouth "No, do not mention him, or his name, or his dog, or anything about him or any role he has been in, I don't want to hear it." James nodded in agreement "yes mam!" " We are moving on" James clapped in agreement "moving on!" Vic continued "we are being healthy.. going for healthy, emotionally available men." she said fixing her blazer and grabbing her laptop bag. "Yes, girl! We are queens and deserve as such!" she looked back and gave high five "we fix our crowns and keep on going" they walked down the same path Tom had "Just an FYI though, way to go he is gorgeous" James whispered causing Vic to chuckle. "I know, and such a great kisser" she said and both of them entered the half filled room. Vic went in to see David and Gemma already seated. She went over to sit next to Gemma who was saving a seat for her. "Morning!" Gemma said in her cheery English accent. "Morning! where is everyone?" she asked "Oh on their way apparently everyone slept in" Vic smiled as she settled in, she handed her phone and iPad to James he would deal with calls and emails for her while she was here to concentrate on work. As they got started and everyone arrived everyone was asked to turn off phones so that this read through would go quickly. It was mainly a walk through most everyone at this point should know their lines so this was a first run to see how everyone meshed together. Vic ever the professional tried hard to stay on task and for the most part she did but every once in a while she would glance at Tom who was staring back at her. He would smile and she would too. When it was his turn to read she watched him carefully examining every detail of his features to his movements. The way his muscles tensed in his forearms, his smirk, the way he bit his lip all these things seem to make her want him, with urgency. The story of their date had broken sometime between her first sip of tea and the end of their meeting. After four hours non stop they managed to breeze through the first read and set up to reconvene again in two days for an all day run through. She had no idea what had happened until James walked up to her eyes wide. "What's wrong?" she said "Um, so.." he couldn't even get it out. She hadn't noticed Tom walking up to her quickly until he was by her side "Did you see this?" he said nervously "I am so sorry darling, I know you said you were nervous about this." TMZ had published pictures of her and Tom in very sweet position at the restaurant which didn't really bother her, she knew that this was part of being with him, but when she swiped to the last picture her knees went weak. It was a picture of them on the bridge with Toms lips on hers lost in each other. "Oh fuck" she said. She looked at James "Your sisters called and texted I told them you were in the read through they said and I quote "tell that bitch to call us back ASAP" she rolled her eyes and laughed "There is also a lot of people reaching out for confirmation which I have not responded to." She looked at Tom and then around the room, others were looking at them most likely because of the news. Dating between actors and directors was not forbidden or unknown but it wasn't a great way to begin a film. "I have to talk to Gemma and David. James, meet you at home OK? Take my phone with you, Tom come with me?" She walked up to her co producer and director. "I assume you've seen what TMZ put out this morning?" she was nervous, she couldn't really be fired it was her script and her movie but she also needed to make good decisions. "It's none of anyone's business Vic, you and Tom are adults you don't need permission. We know you are both professionals and this happens. You owe us no explanation." Gemma said David nodded in agreement. "thanks" Vic said letting a quick breath of relief out. They said their goodbyes and Tom followed her out to the hall. "Darling are you really alright with this?" the look of concern was evident. She reached up and caressed his cheek, "Yes, we owe no one an explanation Tom. We decide where this goes and what speed we take" he smiled and nodded. The only downfall of dating such a public celebrity was walking out of work to a storm of people asking you questions about your personal life. Tom had of course saved her and driven her home. "I thought paparazzi were outlawed here?" Tom was furious "they are darling but that doesn't really stop them when big news comes" they were sitting in his cars she was trying to convince him that she was ok. He had apologized profusely many many times already "I and very sorry Victoria this is not how I envisioned our first date going" she rolled here eyes tired of his apologizes and climbed out of seat and on top of him. It was not an easy feat with the shifter and steering wheel but he pushed his seat back and held her in his lap. "I thought you would be upset" he said after she snogged the shit out of him. "I will be upset if you apologize to me again" she said jokingly "sorry" he said out of habit. she rolled her eyes at him. "Seriously!" she said with a laugh. "I'm not upset Tom, I knew what I was getting into, but like I said we don't have to say anything in response, I would like to keep us off social media for a while, this is new and I want us to keep it private." He nodded "I mean like off of social media and the media in general! Like tell your friends and family because I am going to gab to my sisters as soon as I get into my flat!" He laughed and kissed her softly again. His hand ran up her thigh and the kiss intensified. "I really want to continue this but I have a ton of work waiting for me inside, my team is there and I have to sign like 7 boxes of books for my upcoming book tour." He smiled kissing her one more time soft and short "very well darling" she climbed back to her side of the car and got out. She walked around the car and went to his window which he rolled down. "Thanks for rescuing me" she said sweetly "infinitely worth saving darling" she gave him a short peck on the lips and walked away with a promise to call later. He drove away a happy man sure of his growing love for her.

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