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At six forty five Victoria was seriously regretting her decision to go on a date. It was too much work but she had now managed to shower, do her hair, her makeup and pick an outfit. She was currently sitting on her bed in jeans and bra trying hard not to hyperventilate. She had called Ana three times for hair, makeup and clothes advice. Each time Ana had laughed at her younger sister's frazzled face. But now Victoria was completely regretting her decision, Ana's voice kept repeating itself in the back of her head. "Don't let him have your power" Did she give Henry all her power? Is this why she couldn't fathom going on a date with anyone else? She had gotten brave earlier and texted him letting him know that she needed a break from him. The text was very straightforward and honest and she received no reply as she expected. So now that was weighing on her again leading to the anxiety moment she was having on her bed. Her phone rang indicating a facetime call was coming through. She answered it leaving the phone facing the ceiling "Vicki, breathe" her older sister had a sixth sense always knew when she was in trouble. "Breathe sweetie" she repeated until Victoria's breathing settled. "Better?" Ana asked, as Victoria lifted the phone to her face "Yeah, should I redo my makeup?" "No its looks great, get dressed and go on your date doll." "Thanks sis, love you" she said "Love you too". She took another steadying breath and stood to put on the rest of her clothes. She had decided on grey skinny jeans, a white cami covered by her signature item a blazer. The soft pink blazer and pink pumps brought the outfit together and her dark skin accentuated by the color of her outfit. She took one more look in the mirror when the doorbell rang. She took a deep breath and walked to the door her heels clacking the entire way. She opened the door to a doorway of Tom Hiddleston. He was gorgeous in male version of her outfit. Dark jeans, white button up shirt and a blazer. He was absolutely stunning. "Hello Victoria" she smiled shyly. Her name on his lips was almost too much. "Hi Tom, come in" she moved to allow him entry. "I just have to grab my clutch then we can go." "Very well, but first, these are for you" he handed her a beautiful bouquet of flowers. She was flattered "thank you, they are beautiful" She took them and found a vase for them. He watched her carefully as she moved around her home so natural and sweet. She grabbed her clutch and walked back to him which she realized was staring at her. "Ready?" he asked putting his arm out for her to hold. "Yes" she said taking his arms delicately. "Let us go then" Tom replied.

The drive to the restaurant was filled with trivia, Tom asked a lot of questions. He was full of questions thirsty for knowledge of her but was also happy to share things with her. "So you have two sisters which you are the middle sister how was that?" She smiled "There was a lot of drama growing up, being southern AND Latin was too much, my Dad used to say that he was cursed with daughters because of how bad he was as a son to his mother." he laughed and she smiled. He was sweet and incredibly handsome, he dazzled her and she could definitely see what attracted people to him. They arrived at the restaurant and it was packed. She had no idea where they were going and being so public made her incredibly nervous. She may not be Henry's girlfriend but if he saw her out with someone else their friendship might not survive it. He walked around and opened her door for her helping her out of the car. Vic hated heels but their extreme height difference called for her to wear them. They walked in to the busy place and were seated immediately, Vic was almost positive that people were staring and other were taking pictures with their phones. 'This was not a good idea' she thought 'Hank is going to get so pissed' They were seated and Tom the gentleman he was pushed her chair in before taking his own seat next to her. The were incredibly close and the touch of his hand made her quickly refocus. "Are you alright , darling" she took a deep breath and nodded "I'm sorry, I am just not used to being so exposed" He looked around and smiled "Yes I am so sorry I didn't really think to ask, we can leave" she put her hand on his "No, its ok" he looked down at her hand on his and he rubbed his thumb on her small hand "Very well" they kept their hand together until the waiter brought them menus. They opted for the chef's choice of the night which was Osso buco a la Milanese paired with a wine. The wine came first and they were left to converse. "So I read the script in its entirety twice now and can I say you are incredibly talented. Not to mention that your books are amazing I am a huge fan." She smiled at him if he only knew how big of a fan she was of him. "thanks, I really love when people like my work" "I know that I mentioned that I wanted to talk about the script but I will be honest, I really just wanted to get to know you personally" he smiled a huge smile and a tinge of red filled his cheeks. She placed her hand on his again "I was hoping to as well" He raised his eyes to hers and she was lost. There was something about him that made her want to jump into the blue of his iris's. He held her hand closer still staring into her eyes. "You are so beautiful" he so softly, she broke eye contact, it was her turn to blush. "thank you" she responded softly. They chatted getting to know more about each other's likes and dislikes. He told her of his experience with Marvel which she enjoyed thoroughly. She had worked with Taiki once before and loved him so much. He spoke of his love for theater and she explained to him her love of horses. He was enthralled at her tales of growing up in Texas and learning about the running of the ranch. Soon the food arrived and the conversation slowed. At one point She started to look around and noticed that they were being photographed. She wanted to say something but she held her tongue. If she really wanted to move on with this man this was something she was going to have to get used to. Did she want to get used to him? She watched him as they talked between bites, she began comparing to Henry, their body types, their characteristics, but she quickly stopped and internally scolded herself. Tom was kind, funny and very physical. He had touched her at least once every few minuets since they entered the restaurant. Walking in he had his hand on her back, then at the table she had reached for his hand and since then he had touched her leg, knee, arm, and her face once, caressing her cheek. The thing was that she enjoyed his touch, it was soft and loving. "Darling are you all right?" he asked after she realized that she had gotten lost thinking about the comparison between both men. She cleared her throat and smiled "Yes so sorry" They had finished their meal and were now sitting enjoying the ambiance. "I know I asked before but are you with someone?" she internally cringed "I only ask because I don't want to make you uncomfortable or put you in a compromising situation." she smiled a sad smile at him and his heart broke a little "No, I am not in a relationship right now, I have never been really good at relationships to be honest. I am however really good at being alone, or at least that's what I tell myself." she laughed a cold unfeeling laugh. The waiter arrived in time to remove the oddness from the moment. They paid and promptly exited the restaurant. Once in the car Tom turned to her "Are you alright, darling?" he asked the concern evident at her silence.  she sighed and looked back up at him "I have not had the best luck in the love department, I fall for men who are not available to me or that want more than what I can give them" she looked down at her hand that were now in her lap .She needed to be honest with him about her life choices even if it was early and might be unnecessary at this stage in their courtship, but she needed to get it out. "Tom, I need to be really clear with you" she started he sat up anticipating her confession "there is one thing that I should tell you now and honestly I don't know exactly what your intentions are and I don't want to be that girl but I want to get this out now." He watched her carefully no emotion on his face just understanding so she continued. "I do not want to have children, its a personal choice just something I decided a long time ago. I love kids but it's just not something I want for myself personally" She wasn't sure when she had closed her eyes, but it was the only way she could get the words out and now she was scared to open them for fear he would be gone. She felt soft cold fingers on her chin "Darling open your eyes" she did and her brown iris met his blue ones again. "thank you for sharing that with me, I understand your decision and I will share something about myself with you now, I can not have children of my own, so I understand your stance completely" She let out a breath she did not know she was holding and smiled at him. Something inside her broke, like she was unbound, she had been holding on to this for so long and now she was free, but there in the back of her mind was Henry and that made her second guess this moment, again. They sat quietly until Tom turned the car on and headed back on the road. The heaviness of their confessions still lingered between them so, Tom decided that open air was needed. They arrived at London tower bridge and immediately Victoria's mood elevated. "I love this place." She said softly as they walked quietly. Victoria stopped to look out through the glass into the darkness of the Thames below. He had brought  her here as this was a place he went to often to think. She stared out at the darkness and felt like she was on the edge again, something that she hadn't felt in so long. She liked Tom and that caused a lot of internal conflict for her. She had known nothing but conflict since falling in love with Henry and she was sick of it. "Victoria, love" Tom said softly stepping closer to her he was aching to touch her he'd wanted to all night. She turned a softness in her eyes he wasn't sure was sadness or happiness. "Can I be frank with you?" he asked. She nodded and he continued. "You said that you are unsure of my intentions so I want to be clear, I am very much interested in you Victoria. I am more than interested to be honest. I am in your thrall darling." He stepped closed the gap that was previously between them was now gone. She was face to chest with him and the people that were previously walking by around them disappeared the moment he said her name. "Victoria" he put a long slender finger under her chin and tilted her head towards his. "I want to give you everything.... Romance... passion....Laughter. Everything and every day" She stared into his eyes trying to find the truth in his words by getting lost in those indigo eyes. "Victoria" he said his face somehow closer to hers. She didn't hesitate, she couldn't anymore. "Kiss me" He closed the gap with no hesitation. He was intoxicating; his scent filled every one of her senses until she was drunk on him. They were in a very public place and yet neither cared or stopped, instead he thrust her fingers into his soft waiting hair. He gently placed his hands under her thighs lifting her to him to continue his work on her lips. He pulled away from her only to breathe and continue. She held onto him tighter with every moment that passed. His fingers tightened around her thighs causing delicious soft pain that caused a moan to escape her soft lips. That is what brought them back to the reality of their location. Reluctantly they pulled apart, her still in his arms his forehead on hers, both desperately out of breath. "You are intoxicating love" he whispered to her. She smiled "So are you" He put her down gently put still held onto her tightly. "I almost forgot we were in public for a second" she said laughing. He laughed along with her, "I did too" he said casually trying to rearrange the growing problem in his jeans. She turned not able to contain her laughter. "We should go, who knows how many children are traumatized by our make out session" She said between laughter. "Agreed" He held his hand out to her which she happily took but that was not close enough so he pulled her into him wrapping his arm around her. They walked like this until the car was in sight when he decided to pick her up bridal style instead. Once in the safety of the car he leaned in to continue the make out session with her. Soon the car windows were fogged up and they were once again breathless. "I should take you home" He said once they stopped to regain their breath. "Tomorrow will be a long day." He drove her home with their hands intertwined the whole way there. She had told him one of her biggest secrets and he had been open and understanding. That to her meant a lot. They arrived and he walked her to her door where they continued their goodnight. She wanted to ask him in but she knew she shouldn't. She didn't want to mess this up like she had so many times in the past. She closed the door with the burning of his lips still on hers. That would keep her on a high for the rest of the night. After texting her sisters and changing into her sleep ware she got under her covers and looked at her phone once more to set the alarm for the next morning. She had a message from Tom and it made her grin grow. 'thank you for the incredible evening, love' she laughed the evening was incredible for sure 'thank you for everything' she sent back 'one more defining question darling, tea or coffee' she laughed 'earl grey for sure' he responded with a smiley heart face. 'goodnight darling, sweet dreams' she took in a breath, he was so much more than she was used to 'goodnight Tom' She set her phone down and closed her eyes, the night replayed in her mind, she was not able to find one flaw in their time together, he was exactly what she needed and yet the thought of someone else crept into her mind. She pushed it away pushing it down into the deep recess of her mind, in the vain hope that he would disappear.

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