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"Did you bring some clothes?" Alex asked the strange man in her sisters room. "No" he said walking over to a dresser in Vic's room. "But Vic lets me keep clothes here." Alex shook her head and smiled. "How did I not know that?" Henry chuckled "Your sister always made sure no one was here when I came to stay." Alex nodded "Yeah very much like Vic." "I just need a shower and we can go." Alex nodded leaving him in the room he knew well. He walked to the piano that was covered in blood and closed his eyes. it was covered, many a time she had sat at this piano singing while he listened. She was incredibly talented. He would buy her a new piano he was sure of it.

He showered, changed and met Alex at the bottom of the stairs . "Ready?" she asked he nodded and followed the small young woman through the house. He was astonished at how much the three sisters resembled each other. Vic talked about his sisters all the time but never about their uncanny resemblance. "Are you different ages or ?" Alex smiled at him as they got into her car and headed down the drive way to the hospital "We get that question a lot, we are triplets actually, Ana is the "oldest" because she was born first, Victoria was born second and I was born last but because was born after midnight we have different birth dates. So I am one day younger than them and they take that very seriously." He smiled at her she looked like Victoria but she wasn't her, the personality was different.

Everything was different, Victoria was a light a beacon of laughter and light, except when she wasn't, he had seen her lows he knew who she was deep in the darkness. "Vic is the best of us though, she is our anchor we are tied to her and to each other" Her voice cracked a bit and she cleared her throat. He put his hand out to her and she took it. "For the record I was always team Henry, she loves you so much and I know you care. It's none of my business I know. But I know you would be a great brother in law" He smiled and shook his head. "But I know why you hesitate, there is a lot to leave behind with Vic. Not having children is hard" he looked at her shock evident. "Yeah we know that, we are sisters we keep nothing from each other just like I know that the statistics for relationships with people with BPD are low. She is unhinged at times. But Henry, in the years she has been with you, it's the most focused, and happy she has ever been. We would know were her sisters" He looked out the window at the passing scenery lost in thought. He had many doubts about a relationship with Victoria but not having kids was the toughest. He wanted a family her knew that much. The rest of the drive was silent which he took to review his time with Vic the up's the downs the good times and bad. She was his best friend, the many times he fell asleep next to her. Not having her in his bed for so long was getting lonely he knew that for sure. He missed everything about her but now he didn't know if he could ever come back from what was said. after seeing her like that he was worried that he was the cause of her misery.

Soon they pulled up to the big building that was the hospital. Once inside they walked in through the emergency entrance to find Ana and Tom. They were sitting in the waiting sitting conversing between themselves. The waiting room was pretty empty as it was a weekday. "Hey" Alex said to her sister kissing her on the cheek and sitting next to her. Henry took the seat next to Alex. "Any updates?" Alex asked, "They had to stitch up her arms and neck, the cut was only superficial. She only nicked the one artery, thanks to Henry for taking the knife before she could do worse damage. she needs plasma and blood transfusion but luckily she is a universal recipient so they had plenty for her. They are going to let us know when they move her, The nurse is going to come in and talk to us in a bit to give us an update." No sooner had she said the words that the nurse and walked through the door with the doctor behind her. "Are you Victoria's family?" Ana and Alex stood followed by Tom and Henry "Yes were her sisters and these are friends" "Has your sister ever tried to do this before?" Ana replied to him giving her a quick rundown of her BPD. "She isn't a danger to herself, she wasn't purposely trying to kill herself, the cutting is a way for her to release her pain, but with recent events in her life it all became too much so she disassociated so now she's here." the doctor nodded taking note of what was said. "Is she on any medication?" Ana stumbled on this question, she hadn't known what Victoria was on in a long time, she didn't ask either. Henry took a step closer to the doctor and handed him a small note. "This is what she was on a month or so ago, she wasn't due for any adjustments until later this year." Tom and Victoria's sister looked at him in awe, he really did know her, not in a way that anyone else did. "Thank you I will have the nurse bring this back out to you this helps thanks." The doctor and the nurse left them and they settled back into their chairs.

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