The boys (Zach's point of View)

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"I'm never going to find her!" A voice yelled.

I looked up to see three of my best friends storm into the room.

"My only connection to her is pain!" Jack Avery continued, sitting on the floor. "People feel pain all the time, what's special about that?!"

Jonah Marais sat down on the sofa. "You think that's bad? I can feel emotions! And I have no idea if they're mine of hers!" Jonah said.

Daniel Seavey sat beside Jonah. "You guys still haven't found them?" He asked. The boys shook their heads in unison.

"I haven't either." I said. Daniel sighed and looked over to the corner of the room, where our other friend Corbyn was.

"Corbyn is so lucky." Daniel said wistfully, then glanced down at his wrist. The words 'you better buy me another coffee, dick!" Were etched on his wrist in dark, bold letters. "But I do have the worst one." He said, looking at Jonah and Jack, who looked at his wrist then nodded in agreement.

I looked at my own wrist, at the two little hearts. She had the same tattoo. My soulmate.

Corbyn found his soulmate, Christina right before we started the band. They were both colourblind. They met online and talked a lot, then when they finally met, their worlds turned from black and white to colourful.

Corbyn describes it as unmeasurable happiness, when you finally find your other half. I can't wait to find mine.

Suddenly, jack cried out in pain and grabbed his wrist, pressing his palm into it. He removed his hand and we saw a pink line appear. His soulmate just got a cut on her wrist.

"Do you think she's self harming?" Jonah asked, concerned. Jack shook his head. It didn't feel like a blade. I just don't know what it was." He said.

Jonah went to get an ice pack for him. Daniel scooted a little closer to me.

"They're lucky. At least they have little signals that their soulmates are alive and safe. We have no way of knowing." He said, a note of sadness in his voice.

I rubbed my thumb over my two tiny hearts. "Do you think we'll ever find them?" I asked.

Daniel sighed and looked away. "I hope so." He said.

Just then, Jack pushed in between us and stuck out his wrist. "What do you think happened to her?" He asked.

We looked at his wrist, cross-crossed with small pink lines, mimicking the wounds his soulmate received. While he feels her pain, he doesn't actually get the wound himself.

Jonah came back and handed jack the ice pack, then sat down. "She feels sad." He said running a hand through his hair.

"I wish I was there to comfort her. Jonah said, scuffing the floor with his feet.

Corbyn walked over. "Don't stress guys. You'll find them soon. I hope they like each other, and the rest of us so we can all be friends." He said.

Daniel grinned at him. "I know you did that on purpose." He said play- accusingly.

Corbyn laughed. "That's my favourite song." He said, shrugging.

Then he sat down. "Let's do something to pass the time." He switched on the tv and set up a video game. He handed out controllers.

We all played, but Jonah and Jack seemed a little distracted. I could tell they were thinking about their soulmates.

I thought about her too. All the time. I never knew you could miss someone you'd never met. But I miss her.

As if he knew what I was thinking, Daniel nudged me. "Let's go meet some new people tomorrow." He said.

Daniel is right. The only way we're going to find her is if we go out in public. Even if it means facing loads of fangirls pretending to be our soulmates.

I've already had a few girls show me their "tattoos" that matched mine. As if I can't tell the difference between a tattoo and a marker.

I nodded. "Yeah. Sure."

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