Millie (five year later)

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"Jonah! Come get the girls!" I yelled over my shoulder, trying to grab the two girls clinging to my back while simultaneously feeding the baby sitting in the high chair.

Jaime squealed and threw his bowl of cereal, splattering the wall.

"Jonah!!" I screamed again.

Footsteps echoed down the hall and the door swung open to reveal my husband.

"It took you long enough!" I exclaimed, turning around and putting my hands on my hips.

The twins caught sight of him and jumped off my back, running to him and launching into his arms. "Dad!" They squealed happily.

"Hey Annika!" He said, kissing the curly- haired girl on the head. "And hello Indigo!" He said to our other daughter, squishing her cheeks.

"Jo, the girls need to be dropped at school in an hour, and then we're meeting the others at 10:30 and then Jaime has his six month checkup at three. Can you remember that?" I asked, turning to put the girl's lunches in their bags.

"Yeah, yeah. Stop worrying. We'll be fine." He answered, Covering my face with kisses.

*time skip heehee*

After I finally managed to get a screaming-crying-kicking Jaime into his car seat, I was already half an hour late to meet up with the others. I pulled out my phone and shot Lara a quick text.

Hey you! I'm going to be pretty late. Had some trouble getting Jaime ready.

Its all good! And don't worry, we can all relate. Poor Zach spent hours trying to get Autumn ready. We're going to meet at the park near Jack and Amelia's place, is that ok?

Awesome! See you soon :)

I threw my phone onto the passenger seat and pulled out of the driveway. Thank god the traffic was pretty light.

I parked next to a bakery across the road from the park and ran in to get some snacks to entertain Jaime with. He's obsessed with breadsticks, so I got a couple of those.

As soon as I stepped foot on the grass, Lara was already in front of me, scooping Jaime out of my arms and swinging him in a circle.

"How is my favourite one-and-a-half year old in the whole entire world doing?" She asked, kissing his cheeks. Jaime giggle and gnawed in his fist.

After we exchanged greeting and hugs, we walked over to where the others were waiting for us on a big picnic rug. Everyone else was already there, sitting sprawled out across the blankets.

Daniel was standing several feet away with his and Lottie's baby girl. She's a few months older than Jaime, and just starting to take her first steps. Lottie was crouched on the grass in front of the two, holding her arms out to her daughter.

"C'mon, Lily. You've got this!" She encouraged her toddler excitedly. Lily took a few tottering steps and grabbed onto Lottie's hands. Charlotte picked her up and swung her around, cheering and calling out praises. Then she caught sight of me and ran over.

"Millie!" She cried, hugging me tightly. Wow, motherhood really has changed her. Feisty Lottie is still in there somewhere, I just know it.

We all went through another round of hugs and kisses, and ended up all in little groups just catching up.

Corbyn and Christina's daughter Vinnie has just finished fifth grade and is starting her first day of middle school next week.

Harlow and Emily, Jack and Amelia's daughters, have both inherited their father's talent for singing and both have roles in a musical with the local drama school -which of course, we had all been forced into buying tickets for-.

Lara and Zach's daughter Autumn is an amazing soccer player and won yesterday's game for her team with six scores (Zach was pretty proud of that one.)

Finally, Lottie is pregnant again, with a baby boy. He's due in December. They're still debating on what to name him (Daniel wants to call him Oliver, Lottie wants to call him Levi).

I've missed hanging out with these guys. It's kind of crazy, but, no matter how long we've spent apart, when we're all together, everything just falls into place. I guess you could call us soul family.


Hello my beautiful, loving, caring, compassionate, funny, pro-hype women/men, badass bitches, patient readers!

Thank you all so much for putting up with my flimsy publishing schedule and waiting patiently for me to upload.

Sadly, this chapter brings a close to this book. Thank you all so much for every read, every comment, every vote. You all mean the absolute world to me.

Now, I just want to say a few things.

1. Have you guys heard?! The boys are finally back!!!!!!! I'm so excited for Fallin' to come out, and I'm so excited for the new era!

2. This book reached 4K reads!!!!!! This is so freaking crazy! I'm so grateful to all of you! This is literally a dream come true. I love, love, love, love you all!

I hope you enjoyed this book!

Love, Josie

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