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We arrived at the beach exactly on time. We had to park a few hundred metres away, and walk the rest of the distance, due to all the cars parked around. we were going to meet Charlotte there.

Daniel spotted her before the rest of us did, and rushed to greet her, picking her up and hugging her to his chest. She was tall, but she looked small compared to Daniel. We all exchanged a greeting, then Lara spoke.

"Lottie, where is Millie?" She questioned.

Lottie shrugged. "I'm not sure. She went to find you while I parked the car." She said, worry entering her tone.

Amelia dialled a number and held the phone to her ear, then pocketed it after a minute. "Straight to voicemail." She said, concerned.

"Let's just take a walk. We'll find her." Corbyn said. We all agreed, and kept walking. Everyone else was tucked up to their significant other, arms wrapped around each other's arms. I felt a twist in my stomach, sort of like fear.

Wat a second. That was fear. But I'm not scared.

That can only mean one thing.

"Guys! She's here!" I exclaimed, stopping. They all turned to me.

"Who? Millie?" Amelia asked, confused. I shook my head frantically.

"No, my soulmate! I just felt fear, and it's not me. It's strong, so she must be close." I said, desperation cracking my voice.

Daniel frowned. "Jo, that's great, but first we need to find Millie." He said.

I shook my head. "No, I need to find her. We can split up. I'll find her, and you can find Millie." I said.

"Okay, some of will come with you." Zach said, looking at Lara who started to nod.

I shook my head. "No, I have to do this on my own." I turned on my heel and started running towards the emotions.

"Jonah, wait! You can't just run off!" Someone yelled behind me. I ignored them. This could be my only chance.

I ran across the road to the edge of the city, ignoring the beeping horns and curse words thrown my way.

I ran down the Main Street, and got to a forked road. I turned to the left and kept going, slowly, the amount of people around got less and less, but I kept moving. The fear got stronger.

And stronger.




I doubled back, running back up a few yards. There was nobody around, and the only thing there was was a narrow side street. But I trusted the connection.

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