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I dropped the bag of food on Zach's stomach. "Your welcome." I said.

"Thanks!" He said, his voice muffled because his mouth was stuffed with food. He swallowed. "Sorry I was being a dick. I'm just pissed off." He said. I nodded. "It's ok bro."

I turned on my phone and logged into my Instagram. I clicked on my sister Anna's story. It was a picture of the sunset with the words "wow look at how pink the clouds are."


Anna is colourblind. I quickly texted her.

Hey Anna! I just saw your story. Did what I think happened happen?

Yes! I met him! I'm so happy, you have too meet him!

I'll come over when I can. Love you.

Love you too! Coco says hi!

Anna, dogs can't say hi.

This one can!

I turned off my phone and turned to the guys. "Anna found her soulmate." I said.

The boys all stopped what they were doing and looked at me in perfect sync.

"Damn. That's awesome!" Jonah said. I nodded.

"Yeah, but Anna got her connection only a few months ago. I've had mine for four years." I said.

Zach passed his box of nuggets to me. "Join the club." He said. I took a few and shoved them in my mouth.

Jack walked in and sat on top of Zach. "What up?" He asked, taking the last nugget.

I shrugged. Zach slapped Jack's leg. "Get off!" He yelled. Jack stood up, then flopped down so he was squishing Zach even more.

I rolled my eyes at them. "Jonah! Come get the children!" I yelled. After a few moments, Jonah walked in, holding his coffee. He looked at Jack and Zach, rolled his eyes, then grabbed Jack's arms and pulled him up.

"Ow! Crap!" Jack yelled and doubled over, hugging his sides. Jonah let go of his arm. "Dude, what happened?"

"Stomach cramps." Jack gasped. He ran into the kitchen and returned with some painkillers and a glass or water. "She's on her... um... that time of the month." Jack said awkwardly.

Jonah and I nodded, understanding. Zach looked at all of us, confused. "Huh?" He asked. We acted like we didn't hear him.

Jonah frowned. "Dude, what are you gonna do if she has kids? Your gonna have to feel that too." He said.

Jack groaned. "Don't remind me." He muttered.

We heard someone laugh, then Corbyn walked in, talking on the phone.

"Yeah. Hahaha. Oh, ok. Yep. Love you too. Bye." He said into his phone. He switched it off and stuffed it into his pocket.

"That was Christina." He told us. "She's gonna come over tomorrow."

Jack and Zach started cheering. "She cooks good." Zach said. Jack cuffed him on the back of his head and Zach swatted at him, his hoodie sleeve coming up and exposing his wrist. I caught a glimpse of dark ink. My whole body froze.

No. Freaking. Way.

Not possible.

"Zach. Show me your wrist." I said.

Zach looked at me, confused. "What?"

I grabbed his arm and pulled up the sleeve. I looked at the tattoo. Identical to the one I saw less than two hours ago. That girl at the coffee shop.

Zach was staring at me. "Daniel?" He said cautiously.

I looked at him, then at everyone else. Then back at him.

"I met your soulmate."

Zach stared at me. Then something in his face changed. He stood up. "What? How? When?" He said.

"Are you sure?" Jonah asked. I nodded. "Positive. She has the same tattoo." I said. I looked at Jack. "You saw her. The one from the coffee shop." I said.

He nodded. "Yeah."

"What's her name?" Zach demanded.

"Her name is Lara." I said.

"Lara." He repeated.

Zach sat back down and ran his hands through his hair. "I should have gone with you. I could have met her! Now I won't find her!" He said, hitting the side of the couch.

He buried his face in his hands. Jonah sat down and put an arm around him.

But jack was looking at me. "Daniel. Didn't you give her your number?" He asked.

Zach's head snapped up. "What?!"

I nodded. "Yeah. But I don't have hers." I said.

Zach leaned back. "So we wait for her to text us." I nodded.

"So then we wait."

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