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Zach paced anxiously across the room again, glancing at the door.

"Where are they? Why are they so late?" He kept asking. Jonah walked into the room, turning off his phone. "She still isn't answering." He said, referring to Millie.

"Christina isn't either." Corbyn answered.

"Jack, call Amelia." Zach said, asking for the third time. Jack stood up and walked towards Zach, picking up a pillow to hit him with.

Suddenly, Jack cried out and collapsed, curling into a ball. "Shit shit shit!" He yelled, hugging his side.

Jonah ran over. "What is it! What happened!" He yelled.

Red splotches appeared, spreading over the side of his face, arm and neck.

He shakily sat up and pulled up his shirt, revealing a huge red mark, tinged black around the edges. He looked up at us, panic etched in his features. Black marks meant they were fatal.

"They aren't mine." Jack said, voicing what we already knew.

Zach grabbed his phone, punching in a number. He switched it to speaker, crossing his fingers.

"Come on, come on, please, pick up." He begged urgently.

The line caught and he gasped. "Lara?! Lara, are you ok?" He yelled.

"Hello? Is this Zach Herron?" A voice asked. Not Lara.

Zach paused. "Yes?" He said, voice shaking slightly.

"I found this number in the girl's phone. I need you to come quickly. There's been an accident..." the voice broke off.

"Tell me Where. Zach said, running to the counter and grabbing pen and paper. He scribbled it out and hung up.

"We need to find them. Can you walk?" He asked Jack.

Jack nodded, and with a great deal of effort, pulled himself up. Me and Corbyn ran to support him.

Jonah was already in the car, ignition on by the time we got there. We all got in and he left.


We got to the hospital that we had been called to, and Jack rushed to the front desk. "We need to see Amelia Davis!" He exclaimed.

The lady gave us directions to the ward and we ran off.

We got to the ward and Zach pushed open the door. Instantly, he was tackled by a tiny brunette girl. "Zach!" She wailed, sobbing into his neck. He picked her up and hugged her so tightly, kissing her forehead over and over.

Zach pulled away and brushed her arm with his fingers, running them over the cast on her wrist. "What happened?" He demanded.

Tears welled in her eyes. "We we're driving over the bridge. A delivery truck crashed into the side and we didn't brake in time. We ran straight into it. "I-I'm fine because I was sitting in the middle, but.." she trailed off, looking towards the end of the ward.

Three beds were occupied, and a chair.

"No." Corbyn breathed, running to the Christina. The boys all ran to their soulmates.

Millie was fine too, just a broken leg and two ribs. She was able to leave whenever, but she was sitting in a chair beside the last bed.

Jack stood next to the bed on the other side, gently stroking the girl's hair. Amelia's face was covered in blood, bruises and scratches. While the other girls were simply resting, she had tubes and monitors hooked up to her, and an oxygen mask over her mouth.

Jack reached out a shaking hand and took Amelia's hand, squeezing it gently.

"Amelia? Amelia I'm here. Please open your eyes. Can you hear me? Pleas be ok." He whispered. He kissed her forehead, gently brushing her head out of her face.

I dragged a chair over for him, then turned to Lottie. Her chest rose and fell easily. She was ok. I glanced at the cast on her entire arm, and the bandage over her left ear. It could have been so much worse.

I glanced at Corbyn and Christina. She was awake, and they were talking quietly.

I leaned forward and tapped my soulmate's cheek lightly, jostling her out of unconsciousness.

She opened her eyes and looked around. "Daniel?" She asked. I nodded, reaching out my hand. For once, she took it without complaint.

"How are you going, baby girl?" I asked.

She attempted to shrug, then winced. "My injuries hurt like a bitch, but I'll be ok. How's Amelia? Did she wake up yet?" Lottie asked, worry colouring her voice. I shook my head sadly, and tears filled her eyes.

"She'll be ok. She has to be ok." Lottie said, almost to herself. She reached over and pressed a button, and the bed tilted up, allowing her to sit up straighter.

She patted the space next to her and I sat down. She snuggled into my chest, and I put my arms around her.

"I thought we lost each other." Lottie said in a tiny voice. I head her fight back a sob and hugged her tighter, planting kisses on her cheeks.

I glanced over at our friends, Corbyn and Christina sitting on her bed, Jonah and Millie standing together in the corner, Lara and Zach talking to the nurse, Jack. Sitting by his other half's bed, head resting on their entwined hands.

I took a deep breath, trying to get rid of the sudden fear that tightened around my chest.

We'd only just found them. The girls who would be a part of the rest of our life. We can't lose them.

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