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"Is he still asleep?" Jack complained, slumping down on the couch next to me.

"Yeah." Jonah said, not taking his eyes off his phone.

Jack groaned. "He's the only one who will play video games with me!" He whined.

Jack jumped up. "I'm going to go wake him up." He announced, and took off towards the stairs. I ran after him.

Jack pushed open Zach's door, ran in, then screamed and ran out.

"EWWWWWWWWW!. He yelled, running past me and down the stairs.

"Jack? What is it?" I called. No response. Huh. I'm sure Zach's room can't be that messy. I walked in and looked around. Zach was still in bed, his arms around a small brunette girl. Oh. Lara slept over.

I took a step closer, and Lara's eyes flicked to mine. She was awake.

"Daniel! Help! I'm stuck!" She whisper- shouted, gesturing to Zach's arms, which were locked tightly around her waist.

"Just wake him up." I said. I knew how mad Zach's got when he got woken up from a nap, and there was no way I was gonna do that.

Lara sighed. "But he looks so cute." She said, twisting to look at Zach. She leaned forward and kissed the tip of his nose.

"Time to wake up Zachy." She whispered, brushing back his hair.

Zach frowned and shut his eyes tighter, pulling her against him. "No." He said, burying his face in her neck.

"C'mon Zach. We can't stay in bed forever." Lara said, tugging his arm.

"Yes we can."

Lara looked at me and rolled her eyes. "I'll make pancakes." Lara said.

Zach sat up and climbed out of bed, dragging Lara with him. "Come on! We can't stay in bed all day!" He said. He grabbed two hoodies and gave one to Lara, then pulled her downstairs, presumably towards the kitchen.

I turned to follow them, and shut the door behind me. When I went down to the kitchen, Lara was already taking out pots and pans and getting everything ready.

"Do y'all want pancakes?" She yelled over her shoulder, towards the lounge room where the other guys were.

They all called back yes, and Lara went to the fridge and got out more ingredients.

Corbyn came into the kitchen with his phone in his hand. "Hey Lara, just a heads up that Christina is coming today. She can't wait to meet you." Corbyn said.

Lara made a high-pitched squeal/scream noise. "Finally! I can't wait to meet her!" Lara said excitedly, then turned back to the stove to save the pancakes from burning.

"Amelia would love to meet her too. I'll text her, or Jack could." Lara continued, sliding the first pancake onto the plate on the counter. Zach snatched it and started eating it, ducking out of the way when Lara swatted at him with the flipper. (A/n Idk what it's called don't judge me).

"I can do what?" Jack asked, coming into the kitchen. "Call Amelia and tell her to come over. She wants to meet Christina too." Lara said, adding another pancake to the stack.

Jack looked at Corbyn. "Christina's coming?" He asked. Corbyn nodded. Jack grinned. "Cool. I'll call Amelia now." He said and walked out.

Lara finished making the pancakes, then got our strawberries, ice cream and maple syrup, then she carried everything out to the lounge room and set it on the coffee table. She tucked a loose bit of hair behind her ear and sat down, watching as we all lunged for the food. It was demolished in seconds. Lara is a great cook.

A phone started ringing. We all looked at our phones, but it wasn't ours. Lara got her phone out of her back pocket. "Hey, guys. I better take this." She said, standing up and walking out into the hallway.

She had a short conversation, then came back. "The girls are freaking out. They didn't know I stayed over. I gotta go calm them down. Love you." She said, bending down to kiss Zach.

"Bye Lara." Jack said through a mouthful of food.

"Well pick you up later today to go to the airport." Corbyn added.

Lara nodded and left.

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