Christina.... 6 years later

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"Ahh, crap! I'm so freaking nervous!" Lara exclaimed for the millionth time, flapping her hands like a chicken.

"L, there's nothing to be scared about. It's just Zach." Millie said in a soothing voice, straightening the veil that was in danger of toppling off Lara's head.

"Right. Yes. Right." Lara muttered, pacing back and forth distractedly.

Amelia leaned over and nudged me. "We're we this nervous on our wedding day?" She asked me with a smirk.

I laughed and shook my head. "Nah, Lara's just a drama queen." I teased.

Just then, the door of the dressing room swung open and two small kids ran in.

"Mooom! Auntie Christina! She stole my hair clip and he won't give it back!" The first girl yelled, glaring at the younger one who stuck her tongue out.

Amelia picked up the first girl. "Ok, slow down, Harlow. What happened?" She asked, wiping angry tear's from her daughter's eyes.

Harlow is Jack and Amelia's firstborn. Vinnie- the other girl- is my first daughter. Harlow is five and Vinnie just turned four.

"Vinnie took my hair clip!" Harlow repeated, pointing at the smaller girl.

I picked up vinnie and held out my hand. "Ok, hand it over." I said sternly. She gave me a sulky look, then pulled it out of her pocket. She dropped it in my hand and wriggled out of my arms, running out the door.

Harlow got down, took the clip and chased her best friend out.

Millie smirked at us. "Wow, I hope my two don't bicker like they do!" She joked, patting her hugely pregnant stomach. She just found out that she's going to have twins. Jonah and her decided not to know the genders.

Speaking of the devil, Jonah appeared in the doorway. "Hey ladies. Looking good, Lara." He said, smiling at the anxious bride-to-be.

He crossed the room and scooped Millie into his arms, kissing her full on the mouth.

"Awwwww!" The rest of us chorused.

"Just get married already!" Lottie yelled. Millie laughed and broke away, holding up her left hand, showing us her ring. "The date's set, Bub. What about you?" She teased, and we all cracked up.

"Oh, wait. I almost forgot. Guys the wedding ceremony is about to start. Lara's cue is in.." he checks his watch. "Exactly 10 minutes from now. Good luck!" He said, working, before ducking out and closing the door.

We all jumped towards Lara, giving last touches to her hair and dress, retouching her lipstick.

We all hugged her one last year one before fixing our own dresses and putting on our heels. Just in case you're wondering, here's our dresses:



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