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I stayed in FaceTime with her all night. I don't know why. It just made me feel better knowing that she was just a few words away.

I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, just listening to her breathing.

At about 6:15, the sun started coming up. I could see the sunlight catching in her hair and bringing out highlights. The sun hit her face, making her rosy cheeks glow. Her eyelids fluttered and my head melted.

She sat up and looked around, then her eyes fell on her phone. She picked up up. "Zach? We're you on call all night?" She asked.

I yawned and nodded my head. "Zach! You need to sleep!" She chastised me. I suddenly noticed that her sports bra was sitting slightly off, revealing her cleavage. I blushed and looked away.

"It's fine. It was worth it." I said.

She smiled. "Awwwwww! Zach, you're so sweet."

I smiled at her. "Thanks. So, are you ready for tonight?" I asked, changing the subject. I hate having the spotlight in me.

"Ugh, I wish you would tell me where we are going! I don't know what to wear!" She complained.

"That's the point. I want to see what you would wear when given the choice. I don't want to see what you think I'd like." I said.

Lara stared at me. "Wow, that was kinda deep." She said seriously.

I cracked up and she laughed with me.

"I have to go and make breakfast for the heathens, but I'll text you later. Love you!" She said, blowing a kiss to the screen.

"See you later, cutie." I said. She smiled and hung up.

I lay back on the pillows. I had this warm, kinda fuzzy feeling in my stomach. A really, really happy feeling.

Which lasted about two seconds longer, because then something heavy landed next to me. That thing being Jack.

"Dude! Get uppppppppp!" He yelled.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Can you come with me to get Taco Bell?" He asked.


"Pleeeaaaaassseeeeeeee?" He begged, stretching to word out a little longer than necessary.

I rolled my eyes. "Ok, fine."

Jack gave me two minutes to get dressed, then dragged me out of the house.

The line at Taco Bell was super long, so we just decided to go somewhere else. We went to Chipotle and got some stuff for us and the guys, then decided to look around for stuff.

It's Lavender's birthday tomorrow, so we decided to get her some stuff. I got her a teddy bear and a kid's book. Jack brought her some new outfits and other stuff.

Suddenly, I heard someone yell my name.

"Oh, crap. We've been spotted." Jack muttered.

We turned to see a brunette girl hurrying towards us. I immediately recognised her as one of Lara's friends. Her name is Amelia.

"Hi! Im sure Lara told you who i am." She said.

"Yeah, hey Amelia." I said, hugging her briefly.

She smiled at Jack. "Hi. What's your name?" She asked.

"Oh, this is Jack." I said, moving towards him and accidentally stepping in his foot. He winced and grabbed his foot. "Ow!" He said.

"Ow!" Amelia said at the same time.

Wait. What?

They looked at each other. "You felt that?!" Jack said incredulously.

Amelia nodded, then dug her fingernails into her arm. "Ouch!" Jack yelled. The held out their arms to reveal identical crescent- shaped marks.

"It's you." Jack said.

They stared at each other for a really long time.

Then jack held out his hand. "Wanna go for a walk?" He asked in a shy voice.

Amelia smiled and took his hand. "Of course." She said. They headed off.

I pulled out my phone and took a picture of them, then sent it to a group chat with Lara and my band members. And Christina, or course.


Oh my god, is that who I think it is?




What the fuck? Oh my god, gimme a sec to buy plane tickets. I'm coming to meet my new bitches!

Christina! I can't wait to meet you!

Wait, are you guys serious? Jack found his soulmate, and it's Lara's friend? What are the odds?!

You guys know I'm in this chat, right?


Damn, a lot is happening in the next few chapters.

Lara and Zach's date, Jack and Amelia getting to know each other. And Christina is coming to see the girls!

Btw, all your supportive comments mean so much to me 🥺. I love you all so much lil jelly beans.

Josie out.

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