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We arrived at the girl's apartment and picked up Amelia and Lara. We asked Millie to come, but she said she wanted to wait for Lottie, to make sure she was ok. I thinks it's really sweet of her to put her friends first.

We went straight to the airport, the girls were super hyper and kept squealing excitedly. Corbyn joined in, Matching their enthusiasm and telling them about his soulmate. He doesn't know it, but when he talks about her, his eyes go soft. He has this expression, they all do. It's tenderness mixed with awe and patience. Love.

They aren't bound without choice. They feel genuine love for each other. I just hope I can say the same for me and my soulmate. I unthinkingly brushed my thumb over the familiar words. 'You better buy me another coffee, dick.' Every time I see it, I cringe. Why did I have to screw up in the future? Why did I have to know I was going to, and couldn't stop it? The worst thing was, if I tried to be really careful around people, I might miss her. So I couldn't change fate. I just had to hope for the best.

Lara intuitively noticed my bad mood and leaned over the back of her seat to ruffle my hair. "Don't worry, Dani. We're going to an airport. There's gonna be thousands of girls there. Just keep an eye out for girls holding coffee cups." She winked and turned around.

I zoned out again. I could vaguely hear music playing loudly, and everyone singing along. It sounded far away, distorted. Like I was underwater.

I shook me head, trying to clear my mind. Why worry? I'll find her eventually. We finally pulled up at the airport and the girls jumped out, then they adjusted the seats so Jonah and I could climb out from the back.

Lara pulled out her phone to film the experience. She has a thing about documenting everything important, so she never forgets. She's even more sentimental than Zach.

She climbed onto her soulmate's back and took a selfie, leaning forward and kissing his cheek. He pulled her around so she was clinging onto him like a baby. She leaned back and took a video, and Zach started singing loudly and obnoxiously, making her laugh. I looked to my other side and saw jack strolling casually, Amelia tucked under his arm. They were staring at each other as they talked, not looking away from the others' face.

Corbyn was looking around anxiously, even though Christina's flight wasn't due to land for another 15 minutes.

Lara finally managed to drag Amelia away from Jack, and to entertain themselves, they sat on the hand rail of the escalator, which was moving upwards like a conveyor belt. When they reached the top, the went on the other one that was moving down. They repeated this, until Zach and Jack joined them. After that they played I-spy. The crazy thing was, they weren't even playing it as a joke. They genuinely thought it was fun. Crazy what people would do for their soulmate.

Suddenly, Lara pulled out her phone and ran to stand behind Corbyn. She pressed record. The guys and I were looking around for what had excited her, and then some screamed. "CORBYN!" And a dark haired girl dropped her suitcase and ran at him.

Corbyn opened his arms and scooped her up, swinging her around. He pulled her in close and hitched her ,eggs around his waist. She put her hands on his cheeks, and brought her lips up to meet his.

"Awww!" The girls sighed.

"I missed you so much." Corbyn murmured into the kiss. "I missed you more." Christina replied. She kissed him lightly again, then wriggled out of his arms and skipped to the girls, throwing her arms around them. They all embraced happily. "Hey, Bitchees!" Christina yelled.

"What's up, BITCH!" Lara and Amelia yelled In response.

Christina laughed and kissed them both on the cheek. "You must be Lara. The guys told me you were the shortest." She said to the tiny brunette girl. Lara turned and glared at all of us. "Yep, that's me." She said, still death staring at Zach, who shoved his hands In His pockets, and looked away.

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