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Corbyn and Jonah were starting a bonfire up, and Zach and Jack were wrestling on the sand a few metres away, the girls watching them, laughing and taking videos. I was standing beside Daniel, his arm slung around my shoulders, my arm reaching up to lock fingers with him.

I wanted to ask him so many questions, but I didn't know where to begin. I'd never had a relationship before. I'd never seen a point, because I'd never found him. No other relationships would matter.

As we stood watching everything around us, as small child, maybe three, was running along the beach and tripped on a rock. She started to cry. Daniel ran over to her, and I followed.

Daniel crouched down beside her hand helped her to stand up. "Hey. You ok, little one?" He asked gently. The little girl sniffled and nodded, wiping her eyes. "Yeah." She mumbled.

Daniel brushed the sand off her face. "Your very brave, aren't you."

The girl nodded, smiling a little. Daniel held his hand up for a high-five. She pressed her hand against his, then ran off to her mum.

Daniel laughed softly, then stood up, brushing sand of his jeans. We turned and started walking back to the others.

"You're good with kids." I complimented him. "You do have young siblings?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Nah, my youngest sibling is my sister, Anna. She's 19." He said, shrugging.

"Do you have other siblings?" I found it was easy to keep the conversation going now.

"I have two other siblings. My oldest brother, Tyler and the second oldest, Christian. They're 24 and 23." He said, smiling a little as he thought of his family.

He has the worlds cutest smile.

"What about you?" He asked. I tilted my head from side to side. "I'm an only child. My dad died when I was three. It was just me and my mum for ages." I said, shrugging.

"Oh, god. I'm so sorry." Daniel said. I felt his warm arm around my waist and leaned into him.

Suddenly, we heard screaming behind us. We turned to see Amelia thrown over Jack's shoulder. Jack was heading towards the water. "Put me down! Jack!" She screamed, pounding her fists on his back. Lara and Millie both ran and grabbed her hands, pulling her out of his grasp.

The girls then ran at Jack, who ran away, screaming even louder than Amelia. "I'm sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Help! Daniel! Zach! Corbyn! Help!" He yelled, running towards us.

Zach grabbed Lara around the waist and tackled her to the sand. They wrestled on the sand for a while. Then Lara cried out and Zach rolled off her and sat up. "Oh, god are you ok? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!" He said. She quickly sat up and pushed up down on the sand, climbing on top of him. He sat up and kissed her, putting his hands in her face.

"Ewwww!" Amelia and Christina yelled, dragging them apart.

Daniel looked at me. "Please tell me your above all that childish behaviour?" I sighed. He grinned evilly. "I could...... but that would be lying." He said.

"Oh hell no. No way." I said, crossing my arms and backing away. Daniel ducked down and grabbed me around my waist, tossing me over his shoulder. He ran towards the girls and Jack, who were still locked into battle.

"Amelia! Christina!" I yelled, struggling to get out of his grip. They looked over and abandoned their fight with Jack, running to help me. They jumped on Daniel, knocking him down and pulled me up.

We heard laughed behind us, and turned to see Zach carrying Lara, arms around his neck and her head on his chest, like a small child. Granted, Lara was at least six inches shorter than all of us.

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