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Lara gabbed our coffee and we waved at the boys and left.

I grabbed her arm. "Who was that?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Just some friendly guys. He is is a first-words guy. He gave me his number." She told me, handing me the napkin.

There was a name and number scrawled. Daniel Seavey. "This is going to sound weird, but that name is really familiar." I said.

Lara re-read the bit of paper and shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I'll just have to text him later." She said, sliding into the front seat and starting the ignition. I got into the passenger seat and sipped my coffee.

"So we still have time before Charlotte gets back from her Mom's. What do you wanna do?" Lara asked, then braked sharply as the lights turned red.

I lurched forward in my seat slightly. "Well, firstly, I'd like to make it home alive." I said.

Lara looked at me side ways. "Did you just make a joke?!" She asked. I giggled and she laughed with me.

We got to the house and Lara parallel-parked the car. We got out and hauled the shopping bags to the door. Lara tends to get a little crazy when we go shopping.

We go straight to the bathroom and try on all our stuff.

Lara, of course, looks amazing in everything. I wish I had her confidence.

Lara leans forward toward the mirror, applying lip gloss with a little brush. She turned and looks at me. "What's up?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I'm just tired." I said, skating over the issue. She rolled her eyes.

"Don't give me that bs. I've know you since we were three Millie. I know when something's up." She said.

I sighed. She does know me better than anyone. I looked down at the top I was wearing. It was tight and emphasised all the places I would rather ignore. I felt stupid and ugly.

"I-I just don't understand how look you look good in everything, and when I wear it it looks stupid." I said, realising how close to tears I was.

Lara threw her arms around me. She's so tiny that the top of her head barely reaches my chin. She looked up at me.

"Millie, the first thing you need to understand is, everyone has a different body and different flaws. You just have to find the style that feels right. It's not about what,looks good on me, or what looks good on you. It's about how you feel inside." She said.

She stepped back and looked me over. Then she grabbed my waist. "Ok. Stand up straight as you can. Good." She moved her hands to my upper arms and pushed my shoulders back. "Shoulders back and head high. Great." She said happily.

She turned my body to the mirror. I instantly covered my chest. Lara frowned. "What?" She asked. I blushed. "This shirt doesn't cover my boobs." I said.

She looked at the shirt then nodded. She bent down and rummaged through a bag then pulled out a top. "Shirt off." She instructed me. I obediently pulled the top off.

She helped me put the shirt on, then fiddled with my bra straps until they weren't showing. "There." She said triumphantly.

I stared at my reflection. I looked different. Because of my posture, I looked slimmer and the crop top and jeans made my waist look really slim.

I threw my arms around her. "Thank you Lara!" I said. She grinned and reached up on her tip toes to pat the top of my head. "Your welcome!" She said.

*half an hour later*

Lara pulled out her phone and a bit of paper. "Let's text Daniel." She said.

"Why Don't we call him instead?" I suggested. She shrugged. "Sure."

She put the phone on speaker and we waited for the line to pick up. There was a crackling sound, and a voice came through.

"Hello?" He asked.
"Hi there! It's Lara from the coffee shop!" She said. I have no idea how she can talk to strangers so confidently. I get butterflies just thinking about it!

"Oh! Oh, god! Lara, I am so glad you called." He said, his voice suddenly higher.

"Oh, uh. Ok." Lara said, confused.

"Lara, can you describe your soulmate connection for me?" He asked.

Lara looked at me and shrugged. "Yeah. It's on my wrist. It's two little hearts, like the emoji." She said.

Daniel sighed audibly. "Lara, don't freak out, but I know your soulmate.

Lara froze. She stared at me blankly and mouthed 'oh my god'.

"A-are you sure?" She whispered into the phone.

"Positive. Meet me at the coffee shop where we met in half an hour." Daniel said and hung up.

Lara put her phone in her back pocket. "Millie! My soulmate! He knows my soulmate!" She whispered ecstatically.

Her face was glowing and her eyes were glistening. I've never seen her so happy. "Congrats gorgeous!" I said happily. She hugged me.

"Come with me?" She begged. I smiled and nodded. She grabbed my hand and dragged me out the door.

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