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Sunday , 7:00

Jessica's pov

I woke up feeling like I was about to be sick , so I ran to the toilet just in time . I heard footsteps coming behind me , so I looked behind me to see Alejandro. He kneeled down next to me and rubbed my back.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah just hung over"

"well you did drink a lot last night"

"I know and I regret it now" he laughed.

I was sick again

"Aw baby I'm sorry"

"why you sorry for it's my fault I drunk to much".

"I just feel bad for you"

"I'll be fine don't worry"

I finished in the bathroom and went down the stairs . Everyone was sat on the sofa and I went to the kitchen to get some water. I then sat between Alejandro and kairi .

"Are you ok now" kairi said

"yeah I feel better now thank you kairi"

"that's good" ale put his arm around me and kissed my forehead , which made me smile .

"So have any of you been as bad as me this morning" everyone shook their heads no .

"God I thought maddie drank more than me"

"same that's weird I've just had a headache this morning" said maddie .

"Well what's everyone doing today" says Amelia .

"I'm going home and I'm staying in my bed all day because I feel shit"

"aw bless ya" Amelia said .

"Alvaro and roshaun are going home tomorrow so all of us are gathering tonight here tonight and just making the most out of there last night" Mattia said .

"Well I'm alright for that if I'm feeling ok later but just know I am not drinking at all"

"yeah I'm not drinking either" ale said .

"Well imma go home now"

"ok I'll drop you off" Alejandro said "ok I'll get my shoes on"

We got in the car and I was just thinking about how lucky I was to have ale until I felt my stomach turn.

"Ale pull over"

"what no I can't"


Ale pulls over and I run out the car to be sick . I get back in the car and ale starts driving again .

"Feeling better now?"

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