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Tuesday, 7:30am

After a good nights sleep , it is the day I'm going to tell everyone i am pregnant . I got out of bed and change into a plain white t-shirt and blue ripped jeans.

I walked down the stairs and go to my dad .

"Hey dad"

"hey , big day for you"

"yeah I still can't get my head round it"

"neither can I , I can't believe I'm going to have a grandchild" .

"Aw I cant wait to tell Braylon and the girls"

(the girls - Amelia and Maddie)

"what about your mum and Alejandro"

"no I'm scared about telling them"

"why" he asks

"because I'm scared of mum kicking me out and Alejandro will never talk to me ever again"

"I don't think they will do that"

"who knows it's mum her opinion on people changes so quickly and with Ale he has a whole life ahead of him why would he want a pregnant girlfriend"

"first Jess you are not a random girl your mum met , you are her daughter and she went through the exact same thing as you"

"I gue-" I get cut off

"no let me speak . Second Ale wouldn't leave you and you should know that"

that put a smile on my face .

"Thanks dad , that made me feel a lot more confident"

"your welcome sweetie , I have to go to work now but you leave when you want"

"no I'll leave with You I have a busy day"

"okay let's go"

We left the house and both got into our cars . I waved at my dad as he drove off and I called Braylon .

The call

"Good morning"

"Why are you calling me at this time , I just woke up"

"I have something exciting to tell you"

"Oh okay where are we meeting and what time?"

"I'm going to pick you up now so I should be there in an hour"

"Why so early?"

"Well because I have to tell everyone this news today , also can you tell mum that where going to get some food I don't want her to be suspicious"

"Right I will go and get ready now , so I will see you later"

"Bye Braylon"

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