f o r t y

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Thursday , 21:23 pm

2 weeks later

Me and Ale were laying in my bed talking to each other. Me and him have become really close friends over the past two weeks and we can trust each other with anything.

"So Jess I have something to tell you" he says

"What is it?" I ask

"So I wanted you to know that I still have feelings for you" he says shyly

My eyes widen

"Wait what?" I say

"I think you heard me" he laughs

"Yeah I did just processing it" I say

"So what do you think?" He says

"I can't be with you, you know that right?" I say

"What why?" He asks

"Mar only broke up with me 2 weeks ago" i say

"Oh yeah but you can still go on a date with me" he says

"No I can't" I say

"Why? Don't you have feelings for me anymore?" He asks

"Of course I still have feelings for you! I'll always have feelings for you Alejandro" I say

"Then why not?" He asks

"Because of Mar" I say

"You know the reason he broke up with you was because he wanted us to be a family" he says

"Hmm you have a point" I say

"So will you go on the date?" He asks

"Will it make you shut up?" I ask

"Yes" he says

"Then yes I will go on a date with you Alejandro" I say laughing

"Yay I have another chance with the love of my life" he shouts

"Shh! You'll wake Harley up" I say

"Oops I'll be quiet" he smiles

"Yes please do" I laugh

"I'm going to tell Amelia that she has to look after Harley tomorrow" I say

"Isn't she working tomorrow?" He asks

"No I don't think so" I say

"Well alright be back soon" he says

"You gonna miss me" I laugh

"I miss you already" he laughs and I walk out the room

I go into Amelias room and see here and Kairi doing you know what .

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