t w e n t y - f i v e

663 10 0

Wednesday , 4;30 am

Today was the day that we were going to Florida to stay with Alvaro and Roshaun. We were meeting everyone at the airport.

I wake up to the beeping of my alarm .

"Ugh it's too early" Ale says whilst I sit up .

"Have you forgotten what today is?" I ask

"Obviously I have" he say

"We're going to Florida" I say then he became wide awake

"Ah yes I'm finally gonna see the boys" he says excitedly

"Well the car we hired is going to be here in an hour so we need to get ready quickly" I say getting out of bed

"Have you packed?" He asks me

"Yeah I've packed my and Harleys stuff" I say

"Okay I have a little more packing to do now" he says going over to his suitcase

"Baby wake up" I rubbing Harleys shoulder And she stirs

I pick her up , making her wake up and I put her on my bed . I get her tracksuit out of her draws and put her into it .

"Okay are you going to let me do your hair?" I say

"I think she's too tired to have a tantrum now" Ale says putting his top on

"You never know with this girl" I say

"That's true , pass me the brush mi amor" I say as ale passes me the brush

As soon as Harley saw the brush she screeched.

"Bubs you can't scream everyone else is asleep" I say covering her mouth

"Wow how does she have to energy to scream" ale laughs

"I don't know she's always full of energy" I laugh whilst brushing Harleys hair

"You've made chubbs sad" Ale laughs

"Come on grumps , you can sleep on the plane" I say

"You want me to watch her while you get ready" Ale asks

"Yeah please do" I say putting Harley on the floor .

I put on an oversized hoodie and some cycling shorts , then i put my hair in a messy bun . I didn't bother with makeup. I brushed my teeth then went back into the room .

"Okay we should probably go down the stairs and wait for the Uber it should be here in a bit" he says

"Oh yeah" I say picking up Harley and the hand luggage then Alejandro takes the suitcases

We wait outside and the Uber comes . We put all our bags and the stroller in and then we got in . I sat Harley on my lap .

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