f o u r t e e n

983 18 21

Friday 1:00 am

38 weeks pregnant

I woke up to go to the toilet But I felt water trickling down my legs.

My water had broke.

I walk back over to the bed to wake Alejandro up .

"Ale" I say shaking him

"What's up" he says half asleep

"My waters have broken"

His eyes widen and he sat up in bed

"What! Where?" He asks

"Over there" I point to the bathroom

"Oh my god"

"Well it could be hours until the contractions start so let's go back to sleep I only woke you up to tell you about that"

"Okay well get into bed you never know this time tomorrow we could have a daughter" her smiles

"That's crazy i can't believe that"

"Well night"


30 minutes later

I wake up in pain. Nothing like I've felt before .

"Ow" I shout loudly which makes Ale wake up as well .

"Oh my god has the contractions started?" He says getting out of bed

"I think so" I start breaving heavily

"What shall I do?" Ale asks

"Call the midwife please" I tell him too

"Okay I can do that" he says

Ale calls the midwife and I start walking around the room trying to ease the pain . It wasn't working . It just kept getting worse. The contraction ended and Ale soon came back into the room .

"What did she say" I say sitting down onto the bed

"Start timing the contractions and when they get to 4 minutes apart then we need to go to the hospital" he he says as he sits on the bed

"Okay that's fine but whilst I'm Not having a contraction I need to pack a few more things into my hospital bag" I say

"Okay well I can help you" I smiles

"Okay thanks" I say smiling at him

1 hour later

The contractions had been getting closer together. My mum was in my room And the pain , there is no word to explain how painful it is .

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