f o r t y - n i n e

378 14 3

Friday , 13:27 pm

So it's been a few months since we have gotten back from our honeymoon. It's been the best few months of my life . It's been really nice because Ales family has become part of Harleys life which makes me so happy . My mum has a boyfriend and he is really lovely . Maddie and Mattia are engaged .

So for the past few days I've been feeling shit and being sick every morning . Ale thinks I'm pregnant but I think I'm just sick . So I am going to take a pregnancy test to prove him wrong and to make him shut up .

I was heading to the store by myself because Ale was at work and Harley was at my mums for the day . When I got there I picked up a test and some snacks . I then went to pay .

"May I ask if this test is for you?" The cashier asks

"Uh yeah" I say

"Aw will this be your first?" She asks

"No my second" I say

"Wow you're so young but anyways congratulations" she says

"Thanks I guess" I say

I pay her and leave the store .

When I get home I go straight toy bathroom so I could get the test done and over with . I lock the door and do the test .

Honestly the 2 minutes couldn't of gone any slower but when they went I walked over to the test again

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A little more

Just a little more

Okay I'll stop now


"Oh shit" I say

Okay right this isn't going to be as bad as when I told everybody I was pregnant before . This is not what I expected but ale is going to be so happy .

I grabbed my phone , car keys and hid the pregnancy test down my sleeve . All of my friends knew I was taking a test but my family didn't .

I go down the stairs and sit in the living room where Maddie , Mattia , Kairi , Amelia , Alvaro and Roshaun were .

"So did you take the test?" Maddie asks

"Yes" I say

"What are the results?" Amelia asks

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