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One week later , Monday , 14:00

Jess's pov

Every morning I have been being sick and I'm starting to get really worried . what if I'm pregnant. Omg I don't know what to do . I lay there on my bed staring at my ceiling . I am probably just over thinking. But what if I actually am. I decide to text my dad because i know he won't get mad .

❤️ Dad ❤️

Hey dad I need you help with something

What is it darling?

I think I might be pregnant

Wait , really?

Yeah dad I'm really scared


What if mum kicks me out?

She won't

But what if she does?

Then you would come and live with me of course , silly

Thank you dad

Hang on have you done a test yet?

No , how am I ament to get a test with mum in
the house .

That is very true , tell your mum you are staying with me for the night ok ?

Yeah ok what time do you want me round?

Come round in two hours because I finish work in an hour and a half but then I will get the pregnancy test for you .

Thank you dad

See you later


End of chat

I decided to pack my bag whilst listening to some music . I went down the stairs and got some food from the kitchen and sat in the living room with my mum , brother and sister .

"Hey mum"

"hi jess what's up"

"I'm staying at dads tonight"

"oh ok , is everything ok"

"yeah he just needs my help with something"

"ok when you going"

"In half an hour"

"ok well tell Braylon that he's going to have to help me with Jayden and Milli"

"Ok I will now"

"ok" I say whilst leaving the room.

I head upstairs and go to Braylon's room . I open his door and see him sat on his gaming chair with his headset on , talking to his friends . He didn't notice me go in his room so I decided to scare him In front of his friends . I stood behind him and tapping him on the shoulder which made him jump .

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