t h i r t y - s i x

434 12 2

Tuesday , 10:28 am

Half a year later

"Are you sure you've packed everything?" My mum asks

"Yes everything is in boxes ready to go" I say as I throw my hair back .

"Are you sure that you don't need anymore help?" She asks

"We will be fine , you just stick to looking after Harley . to be honest I don't know why you made Braylon fly over here to help" I say

"When's the moving truck getting here" she asks

Then I heard a beep

"Now" I smile and then go outside

"Hello are you Miss Miracle?" One of the moving guys asks

"Yes I am" I say

"So shall we bring your boxes onto the truck?" He asks

"Yes me , my boyfriend and my brother will bring them out and quick question , have you been to the other girls houses?" I ask

"Yes you're last on the list" he says

"Alright I'll go and get the boxes" i say

So you're probably confused basically I'm moving into a house with Maddie and Amelia . We decided that it was time to move out of our parents house . You're also probably thinking who is my boyfriend . No it's not ale I still haven't heard from him although Mattia is now taking to Maddie again . My boyfriends name is Mariano and he is so good with Harley . We've been dating for around a month now and we're super happy .

"Babe can you get some boxes and bring them outside" I ask mar

"Yeah of course" he says

We bring all my boxes outside and the moving guys load them into the truck

"Right shall we meet you at the house?" They ask

"Yes if we're not there before you one of the other girls should be there" I say

"Okay" he says

Me , Braylon and mar get into my car and we drive to the new house .

"I honestly think it gets bigger every time I see it" I say pulling into the driveway

The new house :

The new house :

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