t w e l v e

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Thursday, 12:55

35 weeks pregnant

Me and Alejandro were leaving school early again because we have another baby scan but this was our last scan before the baby comes.

I was kinda sad that it was the last scan but excited because that means not long till I meet my daughter

"How you feeling Ale" I ask him


"That's great"

"How about you Jess?"

"Sad that it's the last time we're having a baby scan"

"Well you never know we could make another one"

"Eh maybe not"

"Too soon?" He says

"Yeah a bit"

Then we both laugh and got in the car.

We drove to the hospital and signed in and then waited for the sonographer to be ready with us.

I looked around the room looking at all the other pregnant ladies in the room . Some early into the pregnancy. Some overdue . Everyone was happy apart from the overdue . They looked like they have had enough of being pregnant .

"What do you think she's having?" I ask Ale

"A girl what do you think?" he answers

"A boy"

"I mean you never know" he shrugs

"Jessica Miracle"

We stand up and go over into the room

"So the last scan how do you feel?"

"Sad but excited"

"Why is that" she asks

"I mean I'm going to miss being pregnant and having a bump but I can't wait for Harley to come"

"So your calling him Harley?"

"Yes Harley Rosario"

"My sons of called Harley" she smiles

"Aw that's nice"

"Right shall we check if Harley is in the right position for birth?"

"Yeah go ahead"

I lift my top she puts the gel on .
Then puts the scanner on.

"Wow she's more then ready" she says

"What do you mean by that"

"I wouldn't be surprised if she came early"

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