part 8-please let me live

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Alex pov
I don't know what's suddenly happened to Cameron. I mean he's always been possessive and I guess that's just because he cares. But now he's just being pure jealous.

Why can't he just let me have other friends? It won't hurt. He needs to take the hint and figure out that I don't like him in that way. I want to be with Katie and I need time to think if I want to be with him or not. I guess I'll have to tell him at some point. I don't know when...or how.
- Months pass in school and things become more normal between Alex , Cameron and Katie. It is now early June and their residential trip to France is nearing. Alex feels the tention beggining to mount again-
"Hey Alex do you want to sit next to me on the coach to France?" Katie and Cameron both chimed. They both stopped in their tracks and gave each other a look.
Ugh. I knew this was going to happen. Now I'm going to have to choose...
"Maybe I'll sit with Katie on the way there and with Cam on the way back? Sound ok?" I looked at them hopefully.
"Of course it's ok Alex.." Katie smiled at Cameron smugly.
"B-but..." Cameron trailed off.
"Look Cam , we'll probably be in the same dorm anyway and we can all be together on the ferry. It's not that I prefer either of you its just that I'm going to be with you more often anyway. You understand right?
As I mentioned the dorm, Cameron's face lit up.. what was he thinking?
Maybe I'll finally get to tell Cameron that I've never liked him in that way and clear any confusion we have...hopefully I'll be able to tell him before its too late. I haven't been able to tell him for so long, I really don't know how I'm going to tell him in France. Well I must tell him. I don't know when..or how...

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