Chapter 1

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On the road walked a group of four. There were two buff 19-year boys with shields on their backs, both had dark hair, one had orange eyes and the other had purple eyes. The shield twins from the circus, Nico and Mico. Lastly, a 15-year-old girl with long red hair. She had sea-green eyes, the left eye had a scar running through it, but she could still see out of it. She wore a brown skirt that stopped before her knees, she had wrappings all the way down her legs stopping before her ninja shoes. She wore a purple shirt, that stopped at her elbows, and wrappings all the way down to her fingers. She wore her suspenders, ropes around her waist acting as a belt, and an orange scarf that somehow complemented the outfit. That was Doctor Aceso Matsuba-Hatake. They all thought it was best, that Aceso changed up her look, for safety matters. After resting in the Village of Flowers for a month, they hit up other places such as the Land of Birds, the Land of Frost, and the Land of Iron, plus they trained hard. The doctor's training was coming to an end very soon, for the three were on their way to the infamous sand village. There was a new Kazekage.

"Well, Aceso what do we do after the sand village?" Mico asked. "Are we hitting up anywhere else?"

"The sand village should be our last stop," Aceso answered. "After that, I am going home, and you two are free to stay in the sand or come to the Leaf village."

"I'm down for the leaf village," Mico said.

"Despite everything that has happened, I liked this journey more than I did being a circus," Nico admitted. "Our shields are no longer just for show." Suddenly four people appeared in front of them, stopping them from furthering their path to the sand village. Aceso looked forward, her eyes went wide, and the four people went wide as well. Especially a blonde spikey hair boy.

"L-L-Little Sister," Naruto stuttered. "W-What happened to your eye?"

"Uh," Aceso began not knowing how to explain. "It's good to see you as well as Naruto."

"So, that's Naruto," Nico whispered.

"And who's the guy with his eye covered?" Mico asked.

"Dad," Aceso answered as she stared at him. He stared right back at her.

"I hate to be that guy, but the reunion is going to have to wait," Sakura said as stared at Aceso's eye. "Gaara has been kidnapped by the Akatsuki."

 Aceso gasped. "Gaara got kidnapped?"

"Come on, we don't have time to waste," Temari urged. They immediately took off in a hurry towards the sand village. Nightfall came, and Naruto started to go faster.

"Naruto, come on already!" Sakura groaned. "Stop getting ahead of us."

"I can't take this anymore," Naruto growled. "I know why they're after Gaara and me. It's not like it's a mystery or anything. You know, too, don't you, Sakura? You as well, little sister." Sakura and Aceso both looked at each other. "There's no point hiding it. The spirit of the nine-tailed fox is sealed away inside of me." Naruto clenched his heart. " Gaara and I are the same. We both have monsters locked up inside of us. That's what these bastards are after. And that's the worst part about it. To them, we're just monsters. All those bastards see is the means to an end. Everything about us was exactly the same. And he had to fend for himself a lot longer than I ever did. And now he's the target of the Akatsuki, one more thing we have in common. Why should his life be so full of misery all the time? Why is it always him? That's why I've got to hurry. I don't have a second to waste, This time will be different. I'm going to be there to save him!" Aceso stayed in the back with Nico and Mico as they charged towards the sand village. Up ahead, Kakashi went by Sakura who put a food pellet in her mouth.

"You know, those food pellets are only for emergencies," Kakashi said. " And a girl at your age should especially be with the high fat--" Sakura charged forward. "Is she mad at me?"

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