Chapter 15

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All night Aceso worked on her medicine, she didn't bother going to bed. She finally started to get to work, but she needed to test to be sure. She had a kunai out, she was going to make a small cut on her hand to make sure the healing patch worked. 

"What do you think you're doing?" Lee demanded, Aceso jumped dropping her kunai on accident. She looked over to see him with a towel around his waist, his hair was still sopping wet.

"I wanted to test out the patch," Aceso answered as she reached over her chair to grab the kunai.

"Then do it on me," Lee insisted as he appeared in a chair.

"No way," Aceso frowned at him. "It could go wrong."

"I'm sure you will be able to fix it," Lee said picking up the kunai before she could. 

"I don't like experimenting on others," Aceso said. "If something is to go wrong, I will put my body on the line for it." 

"If only that was the case this time," Lee said as he sliced open a small section on the right side of his chest, blood instantly spilling out. 

"Lee!" Aceso exclaimed, she picked up a healing patch and put it on the spot he cut. She got up, went to the sink, and put a rag underneath. Aceso walked back over, and sat back down, she looked at his chest to see that the cut was closing up and the healing patch had absorbed into his body. "It worked." She put her hand on top of his chest, there wasn't even a sign that it would scar. "Amazing." Aceso looked up at Lee. "How are you feeling?"

"Youthful as always," Lee answered with a sparkly smile. He was doing his best to keep his face from going red. 

"Nothing feels different? No colds? Headaches? Joint pains? Internal bleeding?" Aceso asked.

"None of that," Lee denied. 

"That's amazing," Aceso smiled as she looked back at his chest, she got a little closer to get a better look at where she placed the healing patch. She then saw that there was still blood dripping down. She took the wet rag and started to wipe the blood off. "Thank you, Lee."

"It's my pleasure," Lee said as he finally turned red. There was no denying that Rock Lee was Rock solid.

"But please don't do that again," Aceso requested looking back up at him. "It could have gone horribly wrong."

"I can't promise anything," Lee laughed tilting his head. He opened his eyes, locking them onto hers. She was right about the comment from the other day. Melting at the sight of her eyes. 

"What are you two doing?" a voice asked. They looked over to see an alarmed Shikamaru standing at the doorway of the kitchen. 

"Lee was helping me with medicine," Aceso said pulling away. "How you are feeling Shikamaru?"

"I'm setting out for revenge," Shikamaru answered. "I need a few medical supplies, and if you can come as a reinforcement."

"Yeah, sure whatever you need," Aceso agreed.

"I would ask you Lee, but from what I've been told you are going out on a mission yourself," Shikamaru said.

"No worries," Lee said. "Next time I'll lend a hand as reinforcement."

"What is that you need in particular?" Aceso asked. 

"I need some chakra ointment, food pills, chakra patches," Shikamaru listed.

"I have brand new healing patches, would you like some?" Aceso offered.

"What do they do?" Shikamaru asked. 

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