Chapter 35

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On a late night, Aceso came into the tent to find Lee in nothing but his boxers, he was using a towel to dry his hair. He looked back at her, her cheeks grew red as she turned around, closing the door.

"I should have knocked, my apologies," Aceso said.

"I'm just drying my hair," Lee said. Aceso glanced back to see that Lee was now folding up his towel, Aceso went over to her side of the tent. "You aren't working tonight?"

"Uh, no," Aceso answered as she grabbed an oversized t-shirt, that once belonged to Naruto. "Shizune demanded I take some rest." Aceso removed her day clothes and then put on the nightshirt. This time Lee was staring back at her, his cheeks turned red. 

"Red Rose?" Lee asked. Aceso looked back at him as she finished putting on the shirt. He opened his mouth to say something, he seemed lost for words. "Can I see that spot, that Pain?"

"You want to see it?" Aceso asked as cheeks grew red. He nodded, Aceso looked back to see Lee staring at the ground. "Alright." Lee looked up at her in surprise. "Just make it quick, never know who's going to be coming through that tent. Aceso looked forward; removing the shirt, by the time she looked back Lee was right behind her. Using her hands to cover her chest, she faced Lee. He immediately located a new scar that was right over where Aceso's heart was located; he gently placed his finger on it. The more Lee stared the more upset he became. "Lee." He looked up at her.

"We should get some sleep," Lee said as he pulled himself together. "We both got a busy day tomorrow." He got up, going over to his side of the tent. 

"Right" Aceso responded slowly. Fives seconds after blowing out the candle, Lee scooted all the way over and under Aceso's blanket. He flipped her towards him and pulled her close to his chest.  Aceso smiled the moment Lee kissed the top of her head.


Aceso was now low leaving the Hokage's tent, she was surprised by Karui, Omoi, and Samui.

"Hidden Cloud friends?" Aceso asked in surprise.

"Aceso?" they all asked.

"Wait, you know them Doctor Matsuba?" Shizune asked poking her head out.

"Yeah, I made friends with them when I had to stay in the Hidden Cloud Village for a month," Aceso answered. "What are all of you doing here?"

"We have come to speak to the Hokage," Samui answered. Shizune and Aceso both glanced at each other, they nodded; Aceso stepped out as Samui went in to speak with Shizune. 

"How is everything in the Hidden Cloud?" Aceso asked.

"Not the greatest," Omoi answered, Karui elbowed him. "Ow!"

"We will talk more in private," Karui said. "Anywhere that's more private than in front of the Hokage's tent." They heard the sound of tapping, Aceso looked over. To her surprise, it was Danzo of the Root, with two of the members. "Who is that?"

"Lord Danzo," Aceso greeted.

"Doctor Mastuba," Danzo greeted. "It's Lord Sixth to you." Aceso's eyes went wide as she stepped to the side, he opened the tent harshly. Aceso stayed to listen to what Lord Sixth had to say, she knew things were about to be run much differently in the village. 

"That woman there is no longer the Hokage," Danzo said. "I was recently appointed the sixth Hokage. Now hand that letter over to me, and I will answer it...What's wrong? Does Lord Raikage want a reply or doesn't he?" It was silent for a bit. "Sasuke, hm? So, it has come to this."

"Sir, your response?" Samui asked. 

"You have my approval," Danzo answered.

"What did he just approve about Sasuke?" Aceso asked.

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