Chapter 30

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In the lab room, a bottle entered the room and exploded.

"Fang over Fang!" Tsume Inuzuka shouted charging into the room; slamming into Pain's body, the other body of Pain flew off the table. 

"Ma, he's above!" Kiba shouted pointing up as he entered the room with Akamaru.

"Yeah, I know that," Tsume said. 

"Princess must have gotten him good,"  Kuromaru said. "Half of his body is missing." The Pain was now laying on the floor, destroyed. 

" I figured as much," Tsume smirked. "Just as intel said, physical attacks seem to be his weak points."

"Well, them we of the Inzukua clan couldn't have asked for a better opponent. Ma, let's take him down with one strike," Kiba said. 

"Hold it, Kiba," She ordered. "After all, this guy is one of the six who brought Lord Jiraya. We're going to be cautious and bold. And while Han is out protecting the puppies, I expect you to fill in."

"Of course," Kiba said, Akamaru started to whimper as he nuzzled Aceso. 

"What is it, boy?" Tsume asked. They both glanced down to see Aceso's body, with one blink Kiba's eyes grew wide; his eyes began to tremble.

"You are going to pay," Kiba growled looking up at Pain. 

Over on the outskirts of the village, Team Gai had stopped at a Dango shop for a quick bite. Lee was really anxious to get home. The mission ended and all that was on his mind was a date, he was staring at the reflection in the window, fixing his hair. 

"Boy, I am so hungry," Tenten said. "Let's take a little break. All of us are really tired from the mission." Gai was staring at the birds passing by them.

"Is something wrong, Sensei?" Lee asked as he looked back. "What is it?"

"Have you noticed large number of birds have been flying in the direction of the village?" Gai asked. "It's like they're fleeing."

"Yes," Neji agreed. "It makes me uneasy, too. We ought to just head straight for the village. 

"Awww," Tenten breathed.

"Let's go, everyone," Gai ordered. 

"Aw, man," Tenten groaned as she followed. 


"Kiba," Tsume said looking at Pain.

"Good idea," Kiba nodded. "Let's go, Akamaru!" Akamaru barked in agreement. They started to move around the Pain bodies, putting them in a corner. Suddenly the bodies vanished.

"What?" Kiba asked. He started to sniff the air. "Their scents are completely gone now. They're obviously not here anymore. 

"Well, then," Tsume laughed. "I guess my power must have scared them off, huh?" Kiba groaned as he got off of Akamaru, he went over to Aceso. He bent down, yanking the rod out of her body, not even a sound or grunt came from her mouth.

"Damn it!" Kiba cried out punching the ground.

"Kiba," Tsume said. "She gave her life for the village, instead of being angry, be proud." Tsume put her hand on Aceso's face; with one swift she closed her eyes. Suddenly a light brightened up the room. They went to go look out the window. The light grew brighter, followed by the light was absolute destruction.

The village had been completely destroyed, Sakura came out of Katsuyu coughing. 

"What happened?" Sakura trembled. "No! But why? How could--" Her hand scraped the ground below her; tears fell rapidly. "Naruto. Hurry. Please." She was sobbing. " Naruto!" There was a summoning explosion, Naruto Uzumaki had arrived in his Sage form, he was with numerous frogs, all ready to fight. 

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