Chapter 59

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Despite blocking the attack, Madara still managed to hit Gaara sending him flying, he landed on a pile of sand.

"Gaara, don't overdo it!" Shukaku ordered. 

"I am no longer a jinchuriki," Gaara said sitting up. "So that means we can now pull all-nighters as equals."

"Gaara, you--" Shukaku began. "Remind me of Bunpuku." All the tailed beasts continued to get pulled in, Naruto was flying back through Kurama.

"Hey, kid, Kazekage," Kurama called out. "Do me a favor. His father, one-half of me is sealed inside Minato. So you just take that other half and transplant it in Naruto. That will save his life. Hurry to the Fourth Hokage."

"He has the teleportation Jutsu," Gara recalled. "Why don't we just have him come here?"

"Not possible," Kurama answered. "His teleportation Jutsu is tied to my sealing formula. However, once I', extracted, it will disappear." He started to be pulled. "Just rush Naruto over to the Fourth Hokage and grab Naruto's sister. She'll help keep his life on the line a bit longer."

"Good," Madara breathed as he watched the process.

"You got that, Gaara?" Kurama asked. Seconds later, Naruto got pulled out of Kurama. 

"Naruto!" Gaara exclaimed. He held up his hand, catching Naruto on a pile of sand as Naruto went unconscious. He heard more yelling, he looked back to Shukaku getting sucked in. "Shukaku!"

"Sorry, B," Gyuki apologized. 

"I'm counting on you, Kazekage," Kurama said before him and the eight tails got pulled in. Once the Gedo's statue's mouth closed, all of its eyes opened up. 

"No way," a shinobi breathed. 

"All of them were pulled into it," a shinobi said.

"Doctor Matsuba," A ninja said. They looked over to see her healing the last of the injured. 

"I know," Aceso said sharply...Naruto...Killer B...tears were brimming to come out...but the fight was not over. Suddenly, sand wrapped around her stomach and pulled her up to the sky, she looked up to see a pile of sand. 

"Cousin!" Gaara breathed. "I have Naruto with me!"

"Bring me up closer to Naruto!" Aceso exclaimed as they flew over the battlefield. The sand rose up, she saw Gaara holding up Naruto on his back. Aceso put a healing and chakra patch on both Naruto and Gaara. She then bit her thumb and smeared it onto Naruto's cheek. She did a few hand signs, then Naruto's whole body was covered in the green healing bubble. They soon flew down to where most of the alliance stood fighting against a giant wooden statue.

"There they are!" Gaara pointed out. 

"Sakura!" Aceso exclaimed as they flew down to her, Shizune and Lady Tsunade. 

"Naruto!" Sakura exclaimed running over, as Gaara laid Naruto down on a pile of sand, Aceso was on the left side of him. 

"There's no time to explain right now," Gaara said. "Hokage, you must come with us. Try to help Aceso heal him as much as you can en route."

"I don't have enough chakra left to perform medical ninjutsu," Tsunade admitted. "Take Sakura instead. I think she should be able to help some."

"What happened over there?" Sakura asked. "Naruto? How'd he end up like this?

"Just come," Gaara ordered. "Don't waste time. I'll explain later."

"Sakura, get up on the sand," Shizune ordered. 

"Right," Sakura responded, she got up on the sand next to Aceso. 

"What's going on now?" Lord Onoki asked. 

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