Chapter 41

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The next few days, Aceso spent it making medicine and putting together the medical unit it was going pretty well. 

"Very well thought out," Shizune complimented her.

"Thanks," Aceso smiled, she hasn't really slept. "Shizune since I'm having you at the camp...can you be the second in command? Take over at the medic camp when I'm not there?"

"Sure thing kid," Shizune smiled looking over at her. 

"Thank you," Aceso breathed in relief. "That should be done, I'm going to look over it one more time, make copies, and then send it out to the other nations."

"You look it over and I'll send it out," Shizune corrected. "You need to get some rest."

"I'm fine," Aceso dismissed.

"Oink," Tonton sighed. 

"We will be right back," Shizune said stepping out with Tonton. Aceso looked over the medical unit one last time, everyone was placed where they needed to be. After discussing with Lady Tsunade and word back and forth from the Allied Forces, Aceso herself was placed in the first division. She was to start out in the First Divison, if anything were to arise she would have to go to another division. After being satisfied, she put the papers in a folder and made her way to the Hokage building.

"Grandma Tsunade?" Aceso asked, knocking on the door.

"I finished up the medical unit for where everyone is to be placed," Aceso announced upon entering the room. 

"Let me see," Tsunade ordered, Aceso handed the folder to Lady Tsunade. She silently looked over. "Everything seems to be in place, I have already sent lists of medicines that will help with the war and their ingredients to the other nations. How are the medical supplies coming along for the leaf village?"

"Well," Aceso answered. "We have been creating small packs to give to every shinobi, I've instructed the other nations to do the same. They may not be medical ninja, but having basic supplies is just as important. Of course, the chakra patches and ointment, healing ointment, and patches will be among it." Aceso started to feel weird. 

"Everyone should be able to know how to apply a bandage, good thinking," Tsunade complimented. "I'm going to send you on a mission to the Land of Medicine." She looked up to see Aceso's falling backward into Kakashi, he picked her up easily. "Lady Aceso!"

"Send a different medical team," Kakashi suggested. "Say that they are there on behalf of Doctor Matsuba."

"It would be best if she went herself," Tsunade pointed out.

"Not in this condition," Kakashi said. Tsunade frowned. "Send Sakura out again, I'm positive she won't mind going."

"Oh alright," Tsunade sighed giving in. Kakashi carried Aceso out of the office, he went over to the tent Aceso was staying in, he got there the same time as Neji, he had Lee passed out over his shoulder.

"Overdid it?" Kakashi asked.

"As usual," Neji smiled. 

"Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura shouted running up to them. "I need to borrow Aceso for a mission!" 

"How about you take Mitate? Or Kanpo?" Kakashi suggested.

"But--" Sakura began to protest. She looked to see Aceso passed out. "Fine." Sakura looked to see Aceso's hands were burned. "Put her inside, and I'll treat her." Kakashi lifted up Aceso's hands, they were burned; blood began to creep through her wrappings. Kakashi placed Aceso inside, and Neji placed Lee in his spot. 

"You are okay with them living in the same tent?" Neji asked as Sakura began to treat Aceso. 

"I don't see the problem," Kakashi said. "They lived in the hospital together for a short time and they lived next to each other, I trust they won't do anything I and Gai would not approve of." Kakashi looked back to see Lee was already sprawled out, snoring away. 

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