Chapter 49

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As she flew over, in the distance, she saw that there was a giant Octopus, it started to spin, taking out all of the trees around it. She arrived to see Naruto laying down on Gyuki, the other Madara was about to touch Naruto.

"Uber Leaf Superhiman Hurricane!" Gai shouted as he arrived, kicking through the man. One of Gyuki's arms caught Aceso and gently put her on the ground. Kakashi grabbed Naruto; he and Gai went to Aceso, Kakashi put Naruto at her feet. Aceso saw that Gai was already using the Eight Gates. 

"It's Bushier Brow and Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto cheered. "Little Sister!"

"We have a Sharingan too, you know," Kakashi informed. 

"That's right and don't forget the Blue Beast of the Leaf as well!" Gai added. "And the best medic ninja around!"

"Kakashi-sensei! Bushier Brow-sensei! Little Sister! You all came!" Naruto exclaimed. 

"You know that I can't just sit back and relax not while my student from Team 7 is working so hard!" Kakashi stated glancing back at him. 

"What's up with his eyes?" Aceso asked.

"Oh! Right! Him!" Naruto exclaimed. "He's got a Sharingan and a Rinnegan that are linked, left eye to right eye, and there's a rod sticking out of the left side of the chest, and, and, uhhh!" 

"Just calm down!" Gai demanded. "You aren't making any sense at all!"

"His right eye holds a Sharingan and his left a Rinnegan. And he has the same rods that Pain used. So I see, a least..." Kakashi explained. 

"Well, your deductible skills are as impressive s always, Kakashi," Gai complimented. The ground was rumbling. 

"Here it comes!" Naruto exclaimed, they looked to see a giant creature running toward them

"Five Tails," Aceso stated. Naruto started to move but stopped due to the coral on his back.

"Leaf Rock Crush!" Gai exclaimed, he elbowed Naruto's back, knocking off all the coral. 

"Hey, Thanks! That's way better!" Naruto smiled. The thing jumped up.

"He's after the Eight-Tails!" Kakashi noted. Suddenly, chains wrapped around the creature, it cried out in pain. "Wait, was it. The Five Tails started to shrink down to a red state like Naruto can go into. The Eight-Tails grasped his fist over Tobi, the man walked out with the chains still attached to the Five tails. Aceso jumped up to Gyuki's chest. She took a healing patch and placed it around his chest.

"But why is he bottling up the Tailed Beast's power?" Gai asked. 

" I don't know...He doesn't seem to have the Tailed Beast completely under his control," Kakashi noticed. "Maybe that's why." The Five Shrunk down, taking the form of its jinchuriki; five more came down. The Eight-Tails leaned forward, his face was closer to the ground, and he held up a tail for Aceso to stand on as she took care of his wound. Naruto began chucking and holding his stomach. 

"You're babbling again, Naruto," Kakashi stated. "The enemy's incoming! Remember, don't let your guard down just 'cause I'm here!"

"Right!" Naruto exclaimed. 

"We need to confirm which one performs which of Pain's Jutsu! Got it, Gai?" Kakashi asked.

"Listen, I have enough trouble remembering people's faces," Gai brought up. "These guys all look the same to me!"

"Lightning blade!" Kakashi shouted charging forward. 

"Eight Inner Gate! Sixth Gate of Joy, Open!" Gai shouted as he charged forward. They hit a couple. "Three, headed your way, Naruto and Aceso!"

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