Chapter 53

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As they dived down to attack Obito, and Madara, the Ten-Tails started to take a different shape.

"Fifth Gate of Closing! Open!" Lee shouted. He and Gai both opened the Fifth gate, as Darui and a few others shot lightning. Naruto threw the Rasengan, then the Ten-tails got loose; numerous hands shot up. Everyone flew up, landing back on the ground.

"What?! I thought we had immobilized Ten-Tails!" a shinobi shouted. "You okay?! Damn it."The thing rose out of the ground, it was skinnier than last time, its tails were now all hands. Akamaru worried whined.

"I'm about to pee my pants, here," Kiba admitted. Akamaru growled at him.

"Don't just freak out; infuse your chakra!" Kitsuchi shouted. "And be prepared to move when we get the plan from HQ!" A giant-tailed beast bomb formed, in more of a teardrop form.

"Displace it upwards with earth style!" Kakashi ordered.

"Gotcha!" Kitsuchi shouted.

"Aceso!" Kakashi shouted.

"On it!" Aceso shouted back as her eyes glowed green. It shot up and far away from them, there was a giant explosion in the distance.

"Whoa, that far away?!" Kakashi breathed. "It's much greater than the other Tailed Beasts! What power!" Another Tailed Beast bomb was formed. It shot far, the Ten-tails fell back from the blast sent out.

"What is it aiming at?" Aceso asked.

"Us most likely," Kakashi answered. As the ten-tails shot out another beast bomb.

"No, it keeps aiming far away," Aceso answered. Another beast bomb was shot out. "All of us are in front of it."

"Unbelievable!" Hiashi breathed. "A distant city, done like that! Huh?" The ten-tails got on its hands and knees. The Ten-Tails shot out another beast bomb, this time with aim.

"That's the direction of--!" Neji began.

"HQ," Aceso breathed as her eyes went wide. Mr. Nara and Mr. Yamanka, Ao, and so many others. Aceso glanced back to see Ino and Shikamaru realizing what was about to happen. Mr. Shikaku then entered everyone's heads giving them, their final instructions.

"Shikamaru," Choji breathed.

"We're in the middle of a war, so don't waste any words on me," Shikamaru ordered. "Or on Ino. We have to do what we have to do. Just like father said."

"Wait, hold! What the heck just happened?!" Naruto demanded.

"You are the key to our whole plan, Naruto," Neji answered landing next to him."

"No, not that!" Naruto denied. "I'm asking what happened to Shikaku and Inoichi!" A hand slammed down, it took several shinobi, Neji and Hiashi blocked it with a rotation move. Aceso glanced down checking her ropes. All the hands rose up; they shot down many wooden spikes down, killing numerous shinobi at once. Aceso's eyes glowed green, she created numerous barriers, they would bounce back up right into the Ten-Tails' palm, but eventually, breakthrough. Naruto threw many Rasen shuriken, making some of the spikes explode.

"Earth Style: Mountain Jutsu!" Kitsuchi shouted, slamming his hands on the ground. Two walls of earth slammed into the ten-tails crushing it. "Now, go!" Many shinobi ran forward to attack the creature.

"Rope Binder!" Aceso shouted. Her ropes shot out, going around all the tails of the beast, putting them together tightly. Aceso held on to one end, she pulled on it to make it higher.

"Get the Medical Team!" Aceso heard Naruto cry out. "Hurry! There's a critical injury! Hurry!"

"I'm on my way!" Aceso shouted as she started to try to make her way over to him. She held on to her ropes, which continued to try to restrain the ten-tails.

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