Chapter 56

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Obito laid flat on the ground, Naruto was smiling from the damage.

"Yes! I knew it!" Naruto chuckled. "It's just like I thought!"

"I can't believe that then Ten Tails' Jiinchuriki has such a weakness!" Obito stated. Naruto and Tobirama landed back by the others.

" Sage moves will work, you guys!" Naruto informed.

"What is this Sage Power?" Sasuke asked. 

"You know, toad attacks," Naruto answered. "Those are Sage Jutsu, and they employ Nature Energy. Come to think of it, when I tried to gauge Ten Tails' power, it was Nature Energy itself. So maybe you can counter Nature Energy with Nature Energy! I mean, not that I really understand it all..."

"No, it makes sense," Aceso stated. 

"I'm just glad that I learned Sage Jutsu!" Naruto admitted, looking at his hand. "All right! He'll get a frog punch to the face!" Obito slowly rose out of the hole, three flames appeared on his back. 

"It clearly worked, but look..." Tobirama stated. "He's recovered already and is guarding his back." Obito drifted over to a rock, he landed, then crouched down.

"I should start preparing for the Tsukuyomi," Obito stated. "So let's tidy things up." A tree trunk shot out of the ground, everyone gasped as they watched rise up. Multiple flowers opened up near the bottom. "There truly is nothing that's worth saving in this reality. " He then rose up. "This whole world is already dead." A tailed beast bomb formed out of the flower petals. 

"This is super bad!?" a sand shinobi exclaimed.

"Four of them? And all at once?!" a leaf shinobi exclaimed. 

"Even if we all made an Earth Style Wall, it--" Kitsuchi began. "It wouldn't work! There's too many of them!"

"We'd need one person to teleport each of those with Flying Raijin," Tobirama instructed. "The Fourth and can get two, but the leaves two others! It's impossible! Where's Elder Brother?"

"I can try to block one with my barrier," Aceso offered. 

"That still leaves one more!" Tobirama stated as he looked around desperately for Hashirama. 

"Do not give up, everyone!" Hashirama shouted. "I am with you through my clones! We only need to change the trajectories of those spheres! The other Hkoage will also take measures and repel them across the ocean! Put up an Earth Style Wall! I'll use Deep Forest Emergence to launch and guide them toward the ocean!"

"I won't let you!" Obito declared; he shot many rods flamed in red. " Six Crimson Ray Formation!" Everyone ended up getting trapped inside the formation they used on the Ten-Tails earlier. 

"A barrier!" a shinobi exclaimed. 

"Hey! Wait!" another exclaimed. "Don't tell me that all of us..."

"He's trapped us inside the barrier and made it so we can't expel the Tailed Beast Bombs!" Hashirama stated. 

"This is the end game," Obito declared as wraps himself in a cocoon. 

"All we can do is teleport them outside the barrier using FLying Raijin, and Aceso said she can hold one," Tobirama stated. "Lord Fourth, can you handle two?"

"Since we aren't able to mark them, I can only take one," Minato answered. "But there is one other way...we could."

"You intend to teleport the stalk itself outside?" Obito asked. "You think I'd allow that? You cannot save anyone!"

"Dad," Naruto breathed walking up to him. " I don't know if this will work or not, but I've got an idea." He held out a fist. "So will you give me a fist bump?" Minato stared at his son for a moment, he put his fist against Naruto's fist. 

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