Chapter 67

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The next day, Aceso, Sakura, and Oda stood in the dojo, it was not in use at the moment. 

"Ready?" Aceso asked as she stood on opposite ends from Sakura and Oda.

"Do it!" Oda exclaimed. Aceso opened her scroll, bit her thumb, and slid it across the paper.

"Summoning Jutsu!" Aceso exclaimed. Oda appeared next to her falling over. 

"That was awful," Oda groaned holding her mouth.

"Got any ideas?" Aceso asked. 

"Again," Oda said getting back onto her feet. 

"Summoning Jutsu!" Sakura exclaimed from the other end. In a puff of smoke, Oda was falling over by Sakura. They worked on it for two days, slowly Oda was getting better quickly. It was now early morning, Aceso was starting to open her shop.

"Opening early?" a voice asked as her door opened.

"Naruto," Aceso greeted looking up. "I couldn't sleep."

"Me either," Naruto answered as they walked into the shop. "So I got some ramen."

"This early?" Aceso asked. "For breakfast?" She made sure everything was stocked. 

"You sound like Shikamaru," Naruto laughed. " I can eat ramen, breakfast lunch, and dinner!"

"How is that possible?" Aceso asked.

"Ichiraku is now 24 hours," Naruto answered. 

"One of these days you are going to show up at the hospital with ramen coming out of your eyes," Aceso stated turning the sign open.

"And I'll do it again, believe it!" Naruto exclaimed Aceso laughed. A day later Aceso and Sakura were working on the summoning jutsu with Oda.

"Hey, can we take a scroll?" a voice asked, they looked to see Yurito come in with Choji and Ino.

"We might need to summon you," Choji added.

"Sure," Aceso said rolling up the scroll. "Here." She held it out.

"Thanks!" Choji smiled grabbing it. "See you in a bit." The three rushed out of there. 

"Uh, Aceso-sensei," Oda breathed. "You gave me Choji-sensei my scroll."

"I know," Aceso said looking down at her. "I believe you are ready." Oda's eyes lit up as a smile grew on her face. "Ino should be there as well so if you need help ask." 

"What should we do for now?" Oda asked. "It could be at any moment and if there's a surgery--"

"Oda, you seem bright," Sakura said walking over. "If you wish to surpass your sensei, come up with ways to fix the holes in this Jutsu."

"I believe in ya!" Aceso chimed giving a thumbs up.  About two hours later Oda vanished leaving behind a puff of smoke while sitting at check-in at the hospital. Aceso and Sakura were now leaving the hospital after finishing their shifts.

"How do you think Oda is doing?" Sakura asked. "Did you really think she was ready?"

"Yes, and it was all thanks to you," Aceso answered smiling at her.

"Me?" Sakura asked in surprise. 

"Yeah, if it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't have put her on the medical ninja summoning list for another four months," Aceso answered.

"Why so long?" Sakura asked. "The girl has skill."

"I wanted to touch up on a few medical things with her," Aceso answered. "I am really proud of her."

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