John is in the Palace

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"JAWN!" Sherlock shouts too loud for just being a room away.
"Yes Sherlock?"
He slinks into the kitchen "Make me a cup of tea too?"
"Wouldn't have dreamed of doing otherwise." He smiles tenderly at me.
"Today is a cleaning day for me. Got to keep my palace organized." He taps his forehead lightly.
"Is that why you're so enthusiastic this morning?"
"Use your head John."
"For your information I do, I figured today would be a day spent entirely within your mind when you were up and smiling by 7." I chuckled lightly.
"My Dear Watson, I thrill to see you notice my habits." He tapped my nose lightly with his index finger and smiled at me.
Jesus, I love that man. I've yet dared to tell him but I do. I'm sure he already knows with all his brains and cheekbones I'm sure he sees right throw my thoughts. Sometimes I wonder though, I wonder why he's never brought it up, the quickening of my pulse and flush of my cheeks when he touches me. Perhaps he finds it to unimportant to mention or note.
I head into the living room after him.

He lays on the sofa with his chin propped against his fingers and his eyes closed.
I've noticed Sherlock signs in sign language when thinking. I've been learning sign language just to get a glimpse of what goes on inside that beautiful mind.
He signs very rapidly, I get snippets of his thoughts.
Happy... that's one he's yet to used in front of me. I try to keep up with the rapid pace of his signing.
"John's room...John....John."
He's continuously signing John. I dare not interrupt him to ask; if he knows I know sign language he may switch signing and I'll have to learn a new system.
His lips turn into a smile as he signs.
" john."
I almost have a heart attack as he signs.
He smiles blissful, his eyes still closed.
I take this as an opportunity.
I sign imperfectly "I love Sherlock... John loves Sherlock." I beam knowing I've 'said' it aloud. It feels like a weight lifted from my chest.
I've always had a hard time expressing how I feel.
"I know your watching John." I snap up from my thoughts, he's smiling smugly.
"I love you John." He says to me lightly.
"I love you too Sherlock."
Finally I know how he feels.

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