I'm back

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"Calm down John, you're going to cause yourself to faint again."
He's hyperventilating on the chair I propped him on after he passed out.
"I'm dreaming, there's no fucking way this is real." He utters to himself slowing his breathing to normal.
"Need me to kiss you again so you can be sure you're grounded in reality."
"You know in my dreams you're still just as much of a smartass as in real life." I grab his hand.
"I am real John, I've been fighting for two years to get back to you." He stares at me blankly.
"It's only been two years?" His voice cracks a little.
I can't stand seeing John like this, lost and regretful. I kneel before his chair and take both his hands in mine.
"I'm sorry I've hurt you John." I hope he hears my sincerity. Tears well up in the corner of his eyes.
"Please don't cry John."
"I just never thought you'd come back, it felt like you've been gone forever and yet I never moved forward in all that time. I swam in regret Sherlock, fearful I could've stopped you and regretful I'd left so many words unspoken."
"I never want to leave you again John, everything I did was for you but none of it was your fault. I am here to stay and listen."
" Judging from our earlier snog we have much to discuss." He tells me pointedly. He slowly rises from his chair, much calmer now, and heads into the living room taking a seat on the couch.
"Take a seat." He pats the spot next to him. I sit. He begins,
"I realized in your time away how much I utterly needed you but also," he pauses struggling for words "that I was... that I am in love with you and have been for a bit. After your 'death' time dragged slowly and I contemplated ways to be with you again... but I never went through. I thought I could've stopped you, I regretted not telling you I love(d) you dearly. My limp and tremor returned, hell Mycroft made me start seeing my therapist again, I wanted to die. I feel angry you left me to suffer those two years but overwhelming gladness you are sitting here next to me. I believe this isn't to large to ask but why did you do everything you did? You keep saying you did it for me; what do you mean?"
"After I killed Moriarty I faked my own death to protect myself and you. If Moriarty's henchmen had known I'd lived we'd both be dead. I spent those two years traveling, taking them down one by one. I kept you in the dark until I knew I'd taken Moriarty's ring down. I feared for my life and worried I'd never make it back to 221B, back to you. I missed you immensely, I never believed I'd be so attached to anyone as I am you John, loneliness darkened everyday you believed me dead. I watched you sometimes when I believed it safe toward the end, Mycroft gave me news on how you were, I knew I needed to get back. I'm sorry John."
He takes my hand and checks my pulse, he sighs sadly like he might cry.
"I love you John." I tell him meaning it with every fabric of my being.
"I love you too Sherlock. Where do we go from here?"
"What do you mean? I go back to doing cases with my blogger, we stay together in 221B, we do what we always have." He looked a bit saddened.
"I mean relationship wise."
"Oh.." I paise to think for a second "Let's get married John."
"What?" His eyes go wide.
"Let's get married, we live together, we love each other, we mutually agree we need each other, we get along beautifully, we both feel attraction toward each other."
"I never said that."
"You don't need to; I already know.
I want to spend the rest of my life with you; so let's do it. Let's get married John."
He sighs, thinking on my proposal.
"Right away?"
"Whenever you're comfortable John."
"I'm not opposed; is this your proposal? Or do we need engagement rings?" He snorts a little, I frown I've been thinking about the moment I could properly propose to John for the past two years.
"John, I plan to propose to you properly. Do you think that little of me?"
"You're not the most romantic but I think the world of you."
"And I you, I can be romantic John. I'm just new to all this serotonin." I smile at John and take his hand in mine, I bring it to my lips and kiss his knuckles.
"See romantic." He laughs smiling sweetly at me.
He seems to be more stable, it slightly surprises me but that's John. John is calm, logical (usually), kind, and the love of my life, he is my rock.
"So you'll marry me John?"

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