The Adventure of Doctor Holmes Watson

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"I'll take care of you Sherlock."
"There's really no need John. Must you treat me like a child?"
"For better or for worst, I'm by your side; I pledge that and plan to honor it."
A sickly Sherlock gives in, a tiny smile on his face.
"Fine then John, doctor me if you must."
I lay a hand across his forehead, his temperature's low grade but his face is flushed red.
"Have you taken anything? Cold medicine? Advil perhaps?"
"I'll make you something to eat."
"Ugh, I have to eat?"
"Yes Sherlock, you must have food in your stomach to take Advil."
He grunts "Fine."
I head into the kitchen, microwaving Sherlock some soup and getting him a cool glass of water. I hand him the soup and lay the glass of water beside him on the coffee table.
"Be careful it's hot."
"I'm a big boy John I think I can eat soup without injury."
"I know you're a big boy." I smirk at him.
"Stop being so vulgar Watson. Once I'm better I'll wash your mouth out."
"With what?" I'm grinning ear to ear; I love watching Sherlock turn red.
"I love you John. But your potty mouth needs to stop."
"I love you too Sherlock."
He rolls his eyes and stabs at his soup with his spoon.
"Want me to feed you?"
"That's exactly what I want if you're going to baby me."
I spoon feed him his soup as he glares at me. His gaze slowly softens as he finshes off the bowl. I put the bowl in the sink and hand him his glass of water. I head into my room for some Advil.
I give Sherlock two to take.
"Thank you John. I'm already starting to feel better."
"It's my job to make you feel yourself." He smiles tenderly at me.
"I'm going to take a nap John. Wo.." I cut him off.
"Sherlock take a nap?" I snort.
"Don't interrupt Watson. As I was saying would you like to join?"
"Of course."
I crawl onto the couch with him, it's a tight fit but Sherlock holds me in an iron grasp, I have no chance of rolling onto the floor. His chin resting on my head. I hear him snoring lightly. I smile.
This is the life.

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