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I don't get why John gets so excited over this Halloween thing. It's like his crap telly, pointless but he enjoys it and I enjoy John's smile. John's smile is worth all the crap telly and stupid celebrations in the world. I smile at John as he dresses in a superhero cape. He turns to smile back.
"How does it look?"
"Lovely, Watson." I say in flatter. He flushes red and shakes his head. I stroll over to kiss his forehead.
"You always look lovely Watson." I whisper in his ear. He giggles.
"Ready for the trick or treaters?"
"They're all yours Watson. You're the people person."
"Isn't that true."
"I don't have energy for anyone besides you John. Haven't we established you're my person?"
He holds up his hand and touches his rings smiling tenderly at it.
"Yes, I guess we have."
I grab the candy bucket and hand it to him.
"Little ones await?"
We head downstairs to stand outside 221B and pass out candy. John's well known around the area for his blog and me because of John. I try not to interact with many people outside John, Mrs. Hudson, and the yard, Molly on occasion as well. But I never miss an opportunity to smile with My Dear Watson.
Kids interact with John throughout the night. I wave or nod when addressed. I watch John smile as he interacts with all the children. He's always had a soft spot for little ones. He poses like superman with them and gives them highfives. I can't help but smile watching him. He compliments children on their costumes and giggles with them. Towards the end I join in to John's surprised delight. Slowly but surely we run out of candy.
"Ready for bed John?" I ask dark enclosing in on us.
"No, but ready to get out of the cold. I have a suprise for you."
"Is it the kind of one that involves you shirtless and me with a whip?"
"Not exactly."
He pulls me up the stairs giggling. He stops me in the kitchen.
"Close your eyes."
I obey.
"Ok, open them!"
John stands there grinning like a child in one hand a bag of gummy eyeballs and in his other a bag of skull candy.
"I thought you like it; even if it's not to eat and just for the novelty."
"I love you John Watson."
"I love you too Sherlock."

A.N. It's been brought to my attention that Apples-and-frogs believes that Sherlock should've dressed as Superman and John should've dressed as Clark Kent so if you want a scene like that please comment 👍

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