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"Why Sherlock? What's wrong with William? I don't get it."
I giggle.
"John, I'm extraordinary and the name William is just so...ordinary."
"I do agree you are extraordinary, love."
"Of course I am, and you my Dear Watson bring out the ordinary in me. By the ordinary I mean compassion, loyalty, and love. When it comes to you Dear Watson ordinary is the deep human heart, it is love." I tell Watson in complete earnest.
"I love you Sherlock."
"I love you too John." Through John I have found the meaning behind those words.
"But I seriously still don't get it; why is William such a bad name?"
"William Sherlock Scott Holmes has a bad ring to it."
I watch my beloved Watson get out of his chair and bend down on one knee. He pulls out a ring.
"Does William Sherlock Scott Watson Holmes sound better?"
"Yes John, I believe it does." He rises from his knees and he slips the ring on my finger. I smile tenderly at him, cup his head in my hands, and kiss him like there is no tomorrow.

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