chapter 13

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Prae side:::

"You are pregnant?" Ren asked once again, "what?!! No! Who is pregnant?" Prae lied through her gritted teeth like she is angry by Ren accusations. Ren eyed her from head to toe in disbelieve, "See I lied to you before but not now, I changed already!" Prae said and gave her back to him.

"Hmm.. Did you know that my mom is admitted in hospital?" Ren asked to clarify something, "-what? How is she, Ren?" Prae asked causing Ren to smile while shook his head in amusement .

"You are really good at lying, but too bad I already have some knowledge about you!, Mom told me you visited her earlier" Ren said causing her to go frozen. Composing herself she sit in her couch and confessed to him in one breath.

"Yes I am P-pregnant!" Prae said, Ren just nodded his head and settled opposite to her, "That's it? a nod? Don't you want to know who got me pregnant?" Prae asked him with creased forehead.

Ren smiled at her action "I don't ask obvious things" Ren said and leaned forward while placing his both hands on his knees, "I am going to abort it tomorrow" Prae said in a soft voice and lift her face to see Ren.

Ren face showed so much hurt and pain but he changed it quickly with a "ok", Prae got angry, she thought Ren will request her at least once to not abort the baby but he literally ignored it like it's not his matter, does he not care about it? Does he seeing her baby as a mistake like others? Her mind bombarded with so many bad scenarios.

"What is your reason to visit me leaving your wife and daughter alone in this night?" Prae asked full of sarcasm, "To talk with you or shall I say to confess to you?" Ren said to her.

"I love you" Ren said while his eyes staring his love with full confidence, Prae saw the sincerity on Ren words but she ignored it and mocked him "Really? Vow... I never know you can also lie like me!, how can you ask me believe you when you still in love with your Niya?"

Ren got confused and asked "what are you talking about?" . Prae yelled at him "Don't play around me Ren, you are good person don't make me hate you, your love for her is un-measurably, I am just a infatuation for you that is too because I look like Niya"

"Even now you replied just 'Ok', 'ok?" Who the hell will say ok when their loved one is going to kill a soul? Won't you at least beg me once to not abort it like you begged thousand times to Niya for Anu, Did you feel disgusted on my baby just because I cheated you and sleep with you, i don't want anyone to see my baby as a shame"

"I loved you Ren, I really loved you, i May get this baby on a forbidden relation, but it's not formed from a abuse or without love like me, I don't care even if don't forgive me for my wrong doings but don't ever see this baby as nothing even though it will not going to born" Prae said with unshed tears, she doesn't want to cry in front of him.

Ren stood and kneel in front of her, he placed his head on her lap, Prae got stiffened and try to push him away but the word "please" from Ren mouth sound so painfully that her anger in heart melted.

"I am sorry if I give you wrong thought, I didn't feel disgust by the baby, it's not only from your love, it's from my love too, I never pressured Niya to keep the baby or abort it in the past, my family pleaded her to keep it".

"I never say a word about it, it's her decision, not mine to say, For you too, although it's my baby it's up to you to keep or abort it, if you got pregnant in normal situation where we are lovers with rights I will surely oppose it. Now i don't have rights, its not you who told me about the baby i find out about this myself".

" I am not ashamed of it, but it's you who have to answer everyone and face the world until we gain the relationship, but I promise you that if you decided to keep the baby or want my word in this one then I will say I will take care of you and my baby with my love".

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