chapter 26

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"P'singto!!" Krist runs to him and grabbed his arm to stop the next punch, kong just wiped his blood from the corner of his mouth, Krist went to kong and asked "Are you alright kong? I am sorry"

kong just moved back from Krist touch making Krist to remember last time kong flinched like this.

"P'sing" Krist called singto who turned to him with a shrug and said "it's for his doings" Krist sighed and said "It was a mistake phi"

"Really? How can you support him even after he messed up your life? Even if he is drunk, should not he know the difference between you and his lover? If he truly love your brother then he may never mistook you as him?" Singto snapped at Krist at rage for supporting kong.

Kong clenched his fist to calm his anger, he didn't like the way singto doubt his love on Arthit, however, he knows the situation is not in his favor for him to retort so he just hang his head low.

"Phi!!! I think I should give you some details so that you will know what happened is not only his mistake, he did find the difference, he declared more than twice that I look different and smell different but it's me who didn't correct him because of my pain, i was drugged phi!"

"And let me tell you Phi, it's not him who take me to bed, it's me who dragged him to the room and gave him wrong idea, he doesn't know his lover have twin brother nor I know for us to think and correct us, moreover, he didn't made me jump on the bed right way nor trapped me forcibly."

"He talked with me thinking I was his lover, I didn't focus on him cause the only thing I want that time is Keith to disappear from my life and when my brain snapped out to reality I was far gone to act because of the drug"..

"Messed? I am also spoiled his life phi, i agree i suffered lot but I am not the only one who suffered Phi, when the mistake happen I was single no one was with me to get hurt, but he is not, he already got engaged with my brother Phi, the pain is double time for him and he also has to face his lover hurt because of this mistake"

"Do you know after how much fight he got my brother with him, my brother is not like me Phi, so think how much it messed their love life, how much it gives him pain to confess to his lover that he slept with someone, even worse he don't remember anything.. he didn't hide it Phi"

"He loves my brother lot, he begged me to abort the child not only for my brother but for me also, he doesn't want me to suffer and go through the pain without love, so don't blame him alone Phi and hurt him anymore.. he had enough p'sing" Krist finished with guilty sobs, he felt awful for singto slapped Kong.

"I am sorry to interrupt... but P'krist it's fine, I am glad that someone other than P'arthit hit me for what I did to you, so no problem. And khun singto I will not justify my doings because I know it's my mistake, that time I had a fight with my lover and got too drunk so I ignored the unusual and some obvious things. I apologized to you for hurting your lover, i am glad you accept P'krist past and I believe, you will make him happy"

"And P'krist thanks for not doubting my love on your brother, I am so glad for your trust on me. I booked my return ticket last night Phi, it's late evening so I will checkout after lunch. P'krist your parents anniversary celebration is coming in 2 months you can introduce khun singto and get all our family blessings that time" kong offered him a smile and went inside his bedroom without a glance on them.

"Let's go P'sing" Krist told singto while walking to the door, the ride is very silent and singto broke it "Are you mad that I hit him?"

Krist shook his head with an assuring smile, "I am not Phi, I can understand why you acted like that and I am happy that you stood for me"

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